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An article last month's Echo, (February 19) mentioned how Woolworths appears to be patterning its operating procedures on America’s infamous WalMart retail giant. I have just returned from spending many years in the US as a property analyst. My work included shop...
Posted: 19Apr2008 23:24
In a speech to the National Press Club, John Cummings, chairman of the National Association of Retail Grocers, launched an attack on Woolworths and Coles. He accused them of having no interest in competition, of using their power to deny would-be competitors prime retai...
Posted: 15Apr2008 23:22
The term 'local multiplier effect,' coined by John Keynes, refers to how many times dollars are recirculated within a local economy before leaving through purchase of an import. World Prout Assembly supports the local recirculation of money as it boosts local ...
Posted: 31Mar2008 21:30
We want to alert people across Australia about what is happening here in Mullumbimby, as the same thing could happen in their own town. We are in a growing line of communities that have protested against Woolworths development, including Griffith, Sandgate (Brisbane), L...
Posted: 28Mar2008 09:57
The railway site proposed for the new supermarket is patently unsuitable as it sits in the middle of a residential area; established homes in quiet streets. The impact of a supermarket with delivery trucks, large volumes of car traffic, night security lighting, noise fr...
Posted: 22Mar2008 15:32
Not that long ago a new threatened species was declared. A comedian from Gondwanaland was the first to make this discovery and declare it globally. ‘Vibe’ she announced from her hallowed Soap Box, was under threat. ...
Posted: 1Mar2008 10:47
Wastewater engineer Duncan Dey and Garry Scott undertake soil testing on the Station Street site. Photo Jeff Dawson.
The determination of Woolworths S96 application for its proposed supermarket in Mullumbimby may well hinge on the technical assessment as to the adequ...
Posted: 30Nov1899 00:00