Mullumbimby Action Group -> articles -> trafficchaos

Traffic Chaos from the Woolworths Big Box Store in Station Street.

Traffic Chaos from the Woolworths Big Box Store in Station Street.

A major supermarket, of the size proposed in Station Street in Mullumbimby will cause serious traffic problems and have a definitive impact on the social fabric of this small town. The arrival of this imposing retail identity will bring about major change to Mullumbimby's social and small business infrastructure

The effect on traffic movement within the town is one area that has been seriously underestimated and cleverly understated. Mullumbimby currently enjoys a generally moderate and free flowing traffic environment, which will be seriously compromised if the supermarket becomes a reality.

The impending implications from much increased traffic, combined with country town roads never designed for this volume, include:

  1. Extended traffic queues and increased congestion throughout the day, increasing at busy times. This will be particularly evident at the Station/Burringbar/Argyle Street intersection with the proposed roundabout. Traffic from the Woolworths carpark exiting up Station Street will create a third major feeder road entering this intersection.

The imposition of a roundabout here will cause traffic on these three roads to slow for giving way. Add to this the anticipated, but underestimated, increased traffic volume growing at peak times and the primary school traffic from Morrison Avenue. Congestion at this intersection will be a reality and will be felt at other key intersections as these larger volumes move through town.

  1. Long term road infrastructure changes will be needed at ratepayers’ expense.

  1. Loss of angle parking in key streets to allow critical traffic flow changes, with implications for local business access and therefore customer turnover. The intersection most affected here will be Burringbar and Stuart Street. Changes will have to be made to allow increased traffic volumes to negotiate this intersection and facilitate pedestrian safety. The current pedestrian crossings here will become unsafe. The only real solution, at some stage, will be traffic lights. Controlled intersections like this would require turning and flow through lanes and the only way to find space for this is the elimination of angle parking in this area.

  1. Loss of amenity in minor back streets from rat running and longer operating hours.

  1. Loss of quality time for the town, which essentially shuts at midday Saturday and currently, has no Sunday trade.

This effect on a small country town is socially and environmentally unethical and is a callous attempt at control and growth at all costs. But I guess Sartorically speaking, it is good for all.

Gary Street


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