
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

Newsletter List: Search

Originally published 17Apr2008


filming doco in Mullum & news

Hi Folks

A student film-maker named Ty from ANU will be making a doco about MCAN for YouTube. He will be in Mullumbimby tomorrow afternoon and at Mullumbimby Market this Sat (19 April)10 - 11 am. This is your chance for worldwide exposure of your opinions on Woolworths! Call me 66843723 if you want your spot booked.

This is our second movie this week - on Monday Susie Forster of Byron Bay Multimedia made a short drama with teenagers about food miles. This will also be on YouTube in a few weeks - and our website!

Duncan Dey has collated the information from 92 forms that were filled in on the community's preferred use of the Telstra Site. The favourite option was a covered Community Market and & Farmers' Market; joint second fave went to Community Gardens and Ethical Food Co-op. He will now present the findings to Byron Shire Council.

Inspiring article: Village turns its back on supermarkets and grows local

Also WalMart abandons 45 stores - 19 of these killed by citizen's groups

Both these links (among others)are on our website

Our slogan competition has officially closed, but you can still send in your ideas, like "Buy Local - Save a Farmer". Email:

WANTED: Funds for professional help in our campaign
and volunteers for our Information Stall next to flower shop on Wed and Fridays 3 - 5.30 (at the moment the stall is not operating on those days).

Thanks everyone who came and supported our last public meeting - 200 was a good turnout - full details on our website.

More news next week

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