
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

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Originally published 20Apr2008


RelocalisationTues movie nights

Going Local
An Inter-Regional Relocalisation Convergence

Brisbane 23-25 May 2008

Keynote presenter:

Judy Wicks
Co-founder of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies in the US and international pioneer of sustainable business.

Details & registration of interest:
or email:

Registration of interest closes 25th April

message from David Hall, Transition Towns

Here's the next 4 week programme of viewing, discussion, and get-active nights. Everyone is welcome. Directions are at the bottom. Please forward this to any who may be interested.

Each Tuesday, 7.15 for 7.30 sharp start; tea and bickies, + $5 donation, thanks.

There's bad news, and there's good news. It's all news worth knowing.

This Programme:

Tues. 22 April; 'The high price of low cost.' This is about how Walmart
(read Woollies) operates, and I think we need to know the unpleasant details because it's heading our way. It's a call to action, let's get organised and effective. Singing in harmony before the movie.

Tues. 29th April; 'How to Save the World'. Bio-Dynamic farmer Peter Procter (from NZ) is now living in India and doing great good works. Many, huge BD compost heaps, we can organise this in our shire! The community's waste is our resource!
Very Uplifing.

Tues. 6th May; 'The Future of Food'. (Blissful-tummy tea served). Check out the legal/patenting mind-set of the big corporate folks. Let's get informed and let's get active locally to ensure our food supply, and the well-being of those who grow it for us.

Tues. 13th May; 'The extraordinary nature of Water'. Heard of Viktor Schauberger? (His observations of water led him to invent the jet engine, amongst other things). This beautiful and inspiring DVD shows how practical wisdom (that is suppressed) could benefit us so easily. Uplifting; what possibilities are ahead of us!

Please google
* 'Transition Towns',
* 'Relocalisation',
* 'Living economies' and
* 'Localism',
to see the great diversity of activity that is already happening around the world to relocalise our economic and cultural wellbeing.

Ocean Shores has a Transition Town 'mulling' initiative,
ring Roz Dunwell on 6680 2278.

I am organising a Shire-wide Transition-Hub to unite and relocalise our economy. Please talk to me if you are interested.

to 85 Orana Rd., Ocean Shores. (Ph. 6680 4728).
from the south, leave Pacific Hwy after Bruns, @ 'Ocean Shores' turn off, follow the signs over the river. @ roundabout Right into Rajah. 2nd left into Warrambool.
Left @ roundabout. 4th house on Right.

from the north, follow local road past Billinugel, next Left into Orana, climb hill,
4th house before roundabout.

I look forward to seeing you,

cheers David.

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