
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 13May2008


Newsletter No 6 - ACTION A L E R T ! !


Wed 6 pm Byron Shire Council offices Mullumbimby

They will be a state-of-the-art slick team – with power point greenwash.
To counter this corporate invasion we need:





MESSAGE: loud and clear

Slogans for banners are on

Volunteers wanted to hand out info on Sec 96: objections!
Please call Meryn 6684 1415

Q: What"s the Opposite to Woolworths?

A: Localisation! (see below)

Going Local - A Relocalisation Convergence
New Farm, Brisbane
24-25 May, 2008

Going Local has been designed as a participatory gathering of people interested in building the sustainability and resilience of their local communities.

Amongst us will be some of the leading innovators in sustainable local economies, community-building and place-making. People like:

Judy Wicks, co-founder of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies in the United States,

Helena Norberg-Hodge, founder of the International Society for Ecology and Culture in the UK and author of Ancient Futures,

Gilbert Rochecouste, place-maker, urban deep ecologist and founder of Village Well in Melbourne,

Ingrid Burkett, Education & Innovations Co-ordinator, Foresters ANA

John Champagne, founding member of the Bega Eco Neighbourhood Developers,

Mitra Ardron, founder of the Byron Shire Sustainable Ventures Network and director of Beyond Building Energy.

A Going Local Program and Registration form is attached


We are on the cusp of an era of unprecedented change - change that we can hardly even imagine.

Our modern world is built of an assumption of unlimited growth driven by abundant cheap energy. But the end of this road is now in sight. Our future depends on reinventing ourselves in harmony with the natural limits of our planet. And doing it quickly.

While action by governments and corporations is essential, it is the strength and resilience of our communities that will ultimately make the difference.

In community we are best able to adapt and to innovate. This is where the inertia of our social and political institutions is weakest, our motivation strong, our values clear, and our willingness to collaborate with others the greatest. In community we care the most, feel most connected to each other and to place, and are most confident to act.

Going Local is a unique opportunity to explore what we know about building strong, adaptable communities. It offers a chance to share the experience of some of the pioneers of sustainable local economies. It will be a place to build the connections for learning from each others experiences as we move into an unknown future.
So make a commitment to your sense of community, your love of the Earth, and to your own ability to learn and relearn in action.

This is how we can create a future for our children to believe in.

For more information:

And in Mullumbimby:

On Tuesday 27th May Judy will lead a Master Class on building a local living economy in Mullumbimby. This will be a great opportunity for local business operators, farmers, and community activists to explore ways of strengthening our local economic self-reliance in the face of the looming challenges of climate change, peak oil and associated rises in the cost of energy and food.

The venue will be the St Johns School Hall and the starting time 9am arrival for a 9.30 start. Registration cost is $25 or $15 concession.

To register call the ACE office on 6684 3374.
For more information call Ken McLeod on 0412 871 789 or email:

Latin American Food Summit declares regional emergency and boosts local food production. Commenting on the production of biofuels, the Bolivian (Indigenous) President Evo Morales said: "Unlimited industrialization is the drug of planet earth, and capitalism is synonymous with death".


That could be a good banner to have at the Woolies PR exercise
See you there
Wed 6 pm BSC
For fab Byron Shire Welcome!

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