Originally published 25May2008
No 8: BE THE 100th MONKEY!!!
SUBMISSION LETTERS We have had a fantastic response and collected many hundreds of signatures thanks everyone for your commitment and hard work
3;. and keep it up Sartor for five more days!
FINAL DATE for submissions is Friday 30 May and you can still send email ones check
http://www.mullumaction.org for example letters (and computer graphic of Wws) or email paula.tomkins@planning.nsw.gov.au
Briefly - here are the main objections:
PLEASE QUOTE: DA 32-04-2006 MOD2 - S96
1. The new plan for Woolworths is:
Too long (21.6m longer than original: it is now 86.4m long)
Too tall (1.2m taller than original: it is now 8.2m high, equivalent to 3 stories)
Too ugly in a heritage area
2. Sewage connection
Mullum sewage plant is too overloaded to connect to, and is a health hazard already
3. Deliveries on Sundays
Big trucks in residential area are not ok
Byron Shire Council discussed their response to the S96 last Thursday. Check the website for minutes of the meeting when they come out next week
http://www.byron.nsw.gov.au/ They are still negotiating with Wws "with the objective of redesigning the project to be more sympathetic with the character of the town of Mullumbimby". BSC are apparently powerless to even communicate on an official level that the community is opposed to Woolworths we have a top-down bossy interfering State government; is our local government kow-towing to them over Wws? (Cr Tom Tabart is hearing us). Seems it"s our job to let Sartor know
3; maybe you could be the 100th monkey!
SARTOR"S WET DREAM" .. he said some extraordinary things this week (see our website)
3;. "This idea of a free-for-all
3; to terrorise communities with supermarkets on every street corner, is just a wet dream of a development industry." Is he doing a U turn on his support for developers? Quiz him!
RAY MUSGRAVE (one of the proponents in the original Mallams DA) is the Co-ordinator Major Subdivisions: Tweed Shire Council and has had disgusting success in creating major sub-divisions all down the Tweed Coast. Does anyone know the first names of the Mallams Brothers, or anything about them?
On Tuesday 27th May Judy will lead a Master Class on building a local living economy in Mullumbimby. This will be a great opportunity for local business operators, farmers, and community activists to explore ways of strengthening our local economic self-reliance in the face of the looming challenges of climate change, peak oil and associated rises in the cost of energy and food.
The venue will be the St Johns School Hall and the starting time 9am arrival for a 9.30 start. Registration cost is $25 or $15 concession.
To register call the ACE office on 6684 3374.
Do you want to see an 80kph speed limit on all roads in the Shire?
(except Pacific Highway)
Go to
http://www.byron.nsw.gov.au and click
"Community Survey - Limit Maximum Speed Limits in the Shire"
(a one click vote) Survey ends (like the S96 submissions) on 30.5.08
movie is now up on our website
The Hidden Battle for the World Food system
Keep up the great work, folks lets show them "The Power of Community" (video of same name about Cuba"s permacultural success available to borrow from me 66843723).
Don"t let our sacred sight of Chincogan, as we drive into Mullum, be desecrated by a power-driven Big Box. Mullumbimby is special, let"s keep our sense of humanity.