
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

Newsletter List: Search

Originally published 09Jul2008




Community is coming together for our rally; excitement is picking up and offers of support are trickling in steadily.

SPEAKERS: Mayor Jan Barham, Mark Cochrane, Garry Scott, Giovanni Ebono, Jeanette Martin (Community Gardens) and Magenta Appel-Pye (who will recite her poetry).

ENTERTAINMENT: Magenta & Mates, Toby & Jim Blues Duo, David Hall & Choristers will each be doing a couple of numbers.

KIDS STUFF: Face Painting by Sharon Shostak; Milli the Fairy sprinkles magic with wishes, stories and games

RAFFLE: Magnanimous donations of a bicycle from Magenta and a $50 voucher from Paul at Eden"s Landing. I will offer a 2 hour Hawaiian Lomi Mana massage. If anyone else is willing to offer goods or services, that would be great.

REFRESHMENTS: About 6 offers of cakes/savouries so far – more needed please, also mandarins. (This is for fundraising). Paul at Eden"s Landing will supply some apples. Richard IGA is offering soft drinks. Does anyone know someone who could do teas/coffees? Can anyone lend some tables/chairs?

PA SYSTEM – Pip has offered to set this up for free.

HELIUM BALLOONS: we shall be putting them up on Sat morning, on or near the site, to indicate size of Big Box. Any offers to help do this? (Luis C is doing the plan for us to follow).

PERCUSSION FOR THE PROCESSION: We will be taking a Big Box down Station Street for a ritual burning. Bring your percussion instruments and dancing shoes.

PRIZE FOR THE BEST PLACARD: Any offers of a prize, please? Donator can be the judge, or we could ask the speakers to judge.

AEROPLANE BANNER FLY BY: We are working on this one with Andrew Polidano.

OTHER IDEAS: will be welcomed, call 66843723.

It"s going to be a great day for Mullum community to get together.
Cheers and thanks to everyone for supporting our demonstration.

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."

- Goethe.

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