Originally published 13Jul2008
Hi Networkers!
The Demo was fantastic!
We will be on NBN News tonight 6 pm and watch out for Sydney Morning Herald.
A clip is up already on our website
http://www.mullumaction.org and you can also download a letter to Sartor about Woolworth's latest plans to send before 18 July.
Full thank-you letter to all the wonderful helpers coming soon
will send this now (so you can catch the news).
Volunteers also needed for the info table this week - even if only for an hour, to get signatures for the letter to Sartor. Alternatively you could have a wad of letters and canvas your friends/neighbourhood for signatures.
Raffle will be drawn on 3 August after the Mullum to Bruns Run/Walk so if you want to donate a prize there is still time, and we need more pople to sell raffle tickets.
We made nearly $1100 on food/raffle/donations/face painting yesterday at the demo - amazing outcome!
Thanks everyone for helping make this a great occasion
Three cheers!