Originally published 15Jul2008
NEWSLETTER NO 16: acknowlegements, et al
THANKS to everyone who helped to make our demo such an energetic, memorable and enjoyable event. Mullumbimby community is powerful! We pulled a rabbit out of the hat in just 9 days; good networking! It was a brilliant demonstration of Mullum"s commitment to stop the Big Box. The placards were imaginative, persuasive and made a "good show". I feel encouraged, supported and connected.
Video of the demo is on
http://www.mullumaction.org (thanks to Robert Hart) and another one, featuring in particular the procession and ceremony (thanks to Stephen Turner) is on
SPECIAL THANKS go to our speakers, Jan Barham, with her passion to have Sartor"s new planning laws repealed, Mark Cochrane who informed and entertained us with inspirational ideas, Garry Scott"s clarity in outlining the absurdity of the sewage "one-bedroom" calculations for 2500m2 supermarket, Giovanni Ebono for the big picture and the effects of food miles, Jeanette Martin for explaining community gardens, Magenta for writing and reading her amusing, motivational poems, Jane Meredith for raising energy with ceremonial invocation, singers The Peace Choir with their localized Transition Times song, David Hall for writing and singing his topical version of Blowing in the Wind, Catherine for writing and singing her own local songs and Blues duo Toby and Jim as well as children and other speakers.
MORE SPECIAL THANKS go to those who helped set up the demo, Anne Whittingham who was first on the scene after driving from Terranora, Marion who painted lovely placards and saved my throat from the chilly wind with her lovely hand knitted scarf, Luis Cristia who drew the plan of the site and worked with Anne W, David Piesse and David Maslow setting out the flagging tape showing the floor area of the proposed supermarket and helium balloons showing the height, Meryn Callander for stepping in the day before and taking responsibility for organizing and collecting the refreshments (and other things), Santos, Eden"s Landing and IGA Dennetts for providing the refreshments, Pip who supplied and operated the PA system, Milli O"Nair and Sonya Fletcher for delighting the children as fairies, Sharon Shostak for face painting, Sam GilfillanByrne for painting the logo on the Box, Paul Brecht for selling heaps of raffle tickets, all the volunteers who baked cakes and savouries and brought fruit, Jan and Garry Street for driving from Mooball to set up, look after, and pack away the Info table despite finger injury and other pressures, Kate Hensen who donated $70 to our funds, Judy MacDonald for supplying and delivering the table and market stall; David Piesse for taking responsibility of Master of Fire Ceremony, Sarah-Jane who offered to do fire-twirling but unfortunately had an accident (hope you"re ok), Andrew Polidano for offering aerial banner (our banner wasn"t long enough) and all the other helpers.
RAFFLE: thanks to lovely persons who donated the bike; Santos, Eden"s Landing and Raw Store for $50 gift vouchers, Vashti"s Body Bar for 1 hr facial and Deborah Lilly for donating a 2 hour Hawaiian massage. Raffle will be drawn on 3 August if anyone can sell tickets, please call Deb 66843723.
MULLUM TO BRUNS RUN & WALK: Sunday 3 August. I would like to organise a MCAN group of runners or walkers for this community event, which is to raise funds for the Brunswick Valley Rescue Squad and Oxfam Australia (for indigenous support). The cost is $20 pp or $30 on the day (family discounts available). Volunteers are also needed. Their raffle will be drawn at 11 am in the Soundshell at Bruns, and I am hoping ours can be drawn then as well. Check
http://www.mullumtobruns.org.au for more info.
CLIMATE ACTION PROTEST IN NEWCASTLE - About 1000 people demonstrated and a dozen chained themselves to a coal train, delaying it for 6 hours. See
VOLUNTEERS FOR INFO TABLE needed specially this week as the submission period ends this Friday 18 July. Download sample letter from website
"Apathy isn"t it": John Lennon
"The price of liberty is eternal vigilance": RSL (Thanks Liane Simons)