Originally published 31Jul2008
NEWSLETTER 18 - Sartors protest
STATE-WIDE PROTEST: SARTOR"S PRO-DEVELOPER LAWS Sunday 3 August. We will be having our own gathering and photoshoot after the Mullum-to-Bruns walk/run on Sunday, at about 11.30 am.
MULLUMtoBRUNS WALK/RUN: Sun 3 August walkers depart Apex Park, 8.30 am. See p20 this week"s Echo for details or call Mehil 0419 220 897
http://www.mullumtobruns.org.au This event is non-political. However, with the Statewide Sartor protest happening on the same day, we can"t ignore it; as Jan B said at the demo "We have been shafted by Sartor" (visit our website to hear her speech
http://www.mullumaction.org) MCAN and other supporters can gather after the raffle prizewinners are drawn at the Bruns Soundshell (opp dolphin café) for our separate photoshoot for the press. Bring yer banner!
SYDNEY MORNING HERALD printed an article about Mullumbimby, the demo and our campaign on Sat 26 July. Taking almost a full page, the informative article by local journalist Kate Hamilton gave the background to the Wws proposal as well as a fantastic picture of marchers at the recent demo, with plenty of colour & placards. View article on-line (no picture)
http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/a-big-box-comes-knocking/2008/07/25/1216492732938.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap2 Article with picture will be at our info table on Sunday at Bruns Soundshell, with Mullum and Maleny DVDs for sale.
ABC STATELINE (REGIONAL NEWS): "Bega Valley councillors have decided not to challenge the State Government's approval of new supermarket projects at Merimbula. This week the Council knocked back a proposal for a referendum on the proposed developments. Earlier, the Planning Minister refused to let the Council put a cap on the size of retail development in the town." (from ABC on-line).
WOOLWORTHS PLANS what"s going on? Phone Paula Tomkins at Department of Planning (02) 9228 6397 or email her at paula.tomkins@planning.nsw.gov.au for update on Sartor"s decision-making process. Remind her we care she is the one to present recommendations to Sartor. Remind her that the Mullumbimby Settlement Strategy 2003 states on p17 "NO STAND-ALONE SHOPPING CENTRES WILL BE PERMITTED"
IAN COHEN"S QUESTIONS TO SARTOR (in newsletter 17 last week)
2. Q: Were you aware that this proposal contravened the Mullumbimby Settlement Strategy adopted by Byron Shire Council to not allow any stand alone supermarkets? A: I am advised by the Department of Planning that the approved development does not contravene the Mullumbimby Settlement Strategy 2003.
The Minister is mistaken!!
This could be a theme for placards on Sunday....a splendid opportunity to come up with some original artworks the standard of banners at the demo was brilliant! Thanks to everyone who showed up with their creations. The photo in SMH was so vibrant with a sea of colourful people and at least 14 placards on view. The Mullum message about Woolworths has reached across NSW and will soon go on national TV (more news about that soon). Let"s get a message out for Sartor!
See you Sunday.
Regards, Deborah
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead 1901-1978