Originally published 18Aug2008
newsletter 19: phone tree needed quick!
Greetings MCANics! (thanks, Echo for the collective noun)
TELEPHONE TREE urgently needed this week. Please ring me 66843723 (or your contact person) or email deborah@mullumaction.org with your phone number how it works is I ring two people, they each ring two people, who each ring two more people the message spreads like wildfire .... we have a message to send about a DIRECT ACTION happening very soon! This will have national repercussions.
This Tree will also be useful if any building works are intended.
EDO WORKSHOP: Solicitors from the Environmental Defenders Office, Lismore, will be explaining the major changes to NSW"s planning and development legislation, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, passed in June 2008.
Two evening workshops are for professionals, community groups and members of the public.
When: 6-8 pm, Thursday 21 August 2008
Where: Richmond Room, Regatta Ave, Ballina
When: 6-8pm, Thursday 4 September 2008
Where: CWA Hall, 20 Queen St
The seminars are free of charge, however RSVP is essential. For more information or to register your interest, contact Mark Byrne on 02 6622 8470.
MULLUM COMMUNITY GARDENS official opening last Saturday congratulations for a beautiful celebration of a great grassroots initiative. It was a magical occasion contact Jeanette at jl.martin@bigpond.com for more info.
Truck Drivers apply Pressure to Woolies
-some interesting comment re Coles /Woolies
"What Women Want" registered as a political party one year ago subscriptions $20 for this year now due
QUOTE from Dalai Lama: "Learn the rules so you can break them properly".