
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

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Originally published 05Nov2008



NEWSLETTER 24 – 5th NOV 08

Greetings MCANics

MULLUM STP – renew or fix the pipes instead? This is being debated by councilors (proposed by Richard Staples: See ad p.5 of BSN 30.10.08 urging us to contact local councilors with an opinion on the debate. Many articles in the Echo (and letters from Duncan Dey and Garry Scott) have said the dilapidated state of the ageing pipes under Mullumbimby are the cause of the raw sewage being flushed into the river during rain. Will a new STP fix the pollution problem - or will upgrading the pipes? Councillors workshopping the issue will present findings at Ordinary Meeting on 27 Nov.

Co-incidentally, the Sat Star last week announced that Woolworths proponents are now intending to connect directly to new STP when it comes online.

RAID DOSSIER given to the press at the RAID rally, representing each group (including Mullumbimby) and all that is wrong the NSW planning laws is at: It will be presented to Planning Minister when Friends of Currawong meet her on 11 November and contains resolution passed at the Rally.

RAID MOVIE: on shows easy-to-digest speeches on the crux of the planning issues. Brilliant speakers such as Sylvia Hale (Greens) stating "What we"ve seen in the last 25 years is a concerted determination to strip away those rights (of the EPA Act)" In other words, we have now lost the environmental protection won in the 1970s by the likes of Jack Mundy. She goes on to say that the development industry poured millions of dollars into the coffers of the Labour party, who used it for saturation tv advertising, and 12 months after the election provided a set of "reforms" to the planning legislation based on the wish-list of the development industry. Have a click on this informative, inspiring and motivating movie. (Thanks to Robert Hart for making this).

MULLUMBIMBY UPDATE: We await new Minister Kristina Keneally"s decision on the S96 changes to the DA proposed by Wws. The best we can hope from her is to give the decision-making process back to Byron Shire Council. A flurry of requests for her to do so around the time of receiving the RAID dossier on 11 Nov, might be good:

BOB BROWN MOVIE: After Bob"s speech at BBCC last Saturday, Robert has added movie and article to What I appreciate about Bob"s speech is they way he makes info accessible; one kilo of CO2 can be emitted just by taking the car to the shops. Click for inspiration and news of the threatened lungfish to provide small amount of water to Brisbane – the city without tanks! Hear about the logging phenomena gathering pace in Australia and about the greenhouse gasses its producing.

THE COALY MOLEYS; Greenpeace Video on Rudd"s $1.2billion handout to coal industry – bottom line is "Imagine paying someone to be a prick". Funny.

JENNI CARGILL STRONG will be on Bay FM this Friday 7 Nov on Shakedown – Red Terra interviewing her about social change, trees, personal healing tales, etc. (plus CD giveaway). Jenni"s ACE course "Storytelling from the Heart" starts 12 Nov. Call her 6684 6548.

"What"s more important, coal or food?" Bob Brown.

Regards, Deborah.

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