
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

Newsletter List: Search

Originally published 31Dec2008



NEWSLETTER 29 – 31.12.08


Thanks everyone for their support this year – we have kept the behemoth at bay! It was 1st January 2008 that the Woolworths announcement was in the Echo.

OUR FIRST BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION – will be on Australia Day, 26 January. We could gather on-site and have another bonfire, early evening, weather permitting.

LATEST NEWS: BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL"S SUBMISSION TO DEPT PLANNING: ‘UNACCCEPTABLE" on-site wastewater management plan. Woolworths latest efforts to gain on-site sewage approval and abuse the Consent Conditions of the original DA approved by ex-Minister Sartor have been met with disapproval from Byron Shire Council who say "if we were the consent authority consent would not be forthcoming".

Details of the December 08 submission are on and if anyone wants a full copy, please contact Deborah. Some of the concerns raised by Whitehead Associates Environmental Consultants employed by DoP are on our homepage, such as the half-metre buffer zone for Wws sewage system, the use of their cleaning chemicals rendering the on-site system inoperable, proposed illegal pumpout of sewage setting a new precedent for other developers in the Shire, etc.

CLIMATE CHANGE media release for S E Queensland – a potential hotspot on our doorstep - article on our website.

NEW STP: Why is this being built on a floodplain next to the tidal river, surrounded by high hills? Watch out for our guessing competition coming up.

Here"s hoping the State government hasn"t got any silly season surprises in store for us.
Please click on our website campaign button to let them know we care. (Thanks Robert for all your website work).

Perhaps the economic downturn might save Mullumbimby from rampant expansionism. Small is really beautiful!


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