
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

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Originally published 15Jan2009


MCAN birthday, event 19 Jan, Erskineville win

NEWSLETTER NO 30 – 15 January 2009

Greetings MCANics

MCAN FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY – We are nearly one year old! Born on Australia Day 2008, we will be having a birthday celebration on that holiday Monday 26th Jan gathering at Heritage Park at the end of Stuart Street, by the river. I will give a short update speech and if anyone else wants to talk – or has ideas - contact Deborah 66843723. Meeting about 5 pm.

WORLDS LEADING ENVIRONMENTALIST will be giving a short video and talk with Helena Norberg-Hodge on Monday 19 January at Mullum Civic Hall, 7 pm, gold coin donation.

Strategies to Save the Earth
An Evening with Doug Tompkins
Founder of North Face and Esprit
turned Passionate Ecological Activist

Doug Tompkins has just spent more than a month on the Sea Shepherd. He will be in Australia for three days, and will be giving only one public talk. Doug is quite possibly the most influential environmentalist in the world today. Following an extremely successful business career, he has poured all his energy and almost all his money into restoring ecosystems and supporting strategic initiatives for political and economic change. He lives in Chile and Argentina, where he has bought millions of hectares of land in order to create national parks. For two decades he has been a primary funder of the deep ecology, anti-globalisation and pro-localisation movements worldwide.

ERSKINEVILLE WINS AGAINST WOOLWORTHS!! In May 2008 City of Sydney Council refused an application for a Woolworths (and ancilliary shops). The developers then made an appeal at the Land and Environment Court, which has this week been dismissed because of the scale, intensity, traffic generation and adverse impact on the village.. Bravo to the community group

KING TIDE at Northern Rivers on Monday 12 Jan was 0.50m higher than usual. CSIRO said it was the highest tide in 18 years, and we can expect more King Tides. Being just 500 metres from the Brunswick River on the floodplain, Woolworths site is vulnerable to tide surges. They have set their floor just 0.50m above the height of the 1 in 100 year flood average. If there was another King Tide at 0.50m plus a major flood, would their shop floor be inundated, likewise the on-site sewage? This is a potential health hazard and environmental disaster.

Please click on our website CAMPAIGN BUTTON which sends a direct message to Premier Nathan Rees and Planning Minister Kristina Keneally.

Erskineville won by public support – lets follow their example!!
See you on Australia Day.

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