
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 30Jan2009



Thanks to the supporters (new and old) of MCAN who turned up on Australia Day to brainstorm what we can do now that the Minister for Planning has approved the contentious Woolworths proposal in Mullumbimby.

The fight is now about a) politics: a State Labour government who have given themselves the power to approve any old thing in NSW turning a blind eye to local government regulations, climate change, the voice of the people, etc. See movie "Raid Rally a Resounding Success" to hear about the change in legislation.

Also b) direct action. Is there anyone out there willing to co-ordinate this? After a year campaigning, I am now a little weary. I am also committed to a year"s study and will still be involved to a lesser extent (if I can extricate myself). We need some fresh input to carry us into the next stage of the campaign – see below for next meeting details. I'll give out a fuller list of ideas suggested then.


COMMUNITY RALLY ON CLIMATE CRISIS this Sunday 1st Feb 10.30-11.30 am
A prelude to the National Day of Action in Canberra 3rd February. More info on the calendar on our website or call 66804358. We are requested to bring signs, banners, etc and wear red – the colour chosen for the National Day of Action.

COMMUNITY EVENT re: Affordable Housing and possible other ventures to be a resource for community (ie co-op, etc) 3.30-5 pm on land next to Council Chambers and Pre-school in Station St (more info on our calendar). Your input is requested.


We have had offers from an enthusiastic group – some new faces – to be at the Info Table on the street, Mullum, letter box drop leaflets, door knocking to complete a survey. Nina B has drafted a survey which we will discuss at next meeting.

MARCH THRU MULLUM & RALLY: with celebrities giving speeches – this idea has been floated for a month"s time: who will help organize this? Contact Deb. We could also have a boat race like Henley-on-Todd at Alice Springs.

DIRECT ACTION: Tent embassy (to be further discussed) and WOTTING
(Wws Operation Trolley) as outlined in,23739,17395086-3102,00.html... " As well as the majority of residents boycotting the new store, there would be "wotters" lining up to fill their trolleys with goods and then abandoning them in the aisles. The term "wotting" comes from Woolworths Operation Trolleys and is a practice encouraged by anti-Woolworths demonstrators who see it as a way of expressing their opposition to the Maleny store."

STATELINE AND OTHER MEDIA PROGRAMMES: Chris A will be contact person for media programme updates.

LOBBYIST NEEDED to lobby parliamentarians: Ian Cohen was suggested.

FLOOD WITH FAXES is more effective than emails because they are on a piece of paper and then Gov has to do something about it. Do it daily, all of us (or email). Target is 200 a day, every day. Hey!
Contact Ms Keneally in her capacity as Minister for Planning, and Minister for Redfern Waterloo
Address Ms Kristina Keneally,
Level 35 Governor Macquarie Tower,
1 Farrer Place,

Phone (02) 9228 5811
Fax (02) 9228 5499

CLASS ACTION: Deb currently contacting People Power coalition to see if there is support for this.


BLACKLIST everyone involved

SUPPORT BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL"S CHALLENGE – Contact Ray Darney at BSC offering support

GOV SELLING RAILWAY LAND: is there a precedent?

TEE SHIRTS: Orders are being taken for a new print run: Contact Paul B 66843756

Other stuff:

NEWCASTLE: Does anyone have contacts with dock workers at Newcastle? Contact Robert Hart 66841783.

LOOK AT OUR NEW-LOOK WEBSITE!!! Robert has put the burning box on our homepage banner – looks marvellous!!

Deb"s place Thursday 5 February: 5 – 6.30 pm
Call 66843723 for directions.
Deb will be away on much needed holiday from Friday 6 to Sunday 15 Feb
and will occasionally check emails at library.

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