
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 05Apr2009


Local food, Tallowood Estate, pesticides talk

BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL is growing food! Yes, outside the Council Chambers! Last Sat the rain paused long enough for a community launch of the new food garden, officially opened by Mayor Jan. Gardening Australia"s Jerry Colby-Williams entertained and inspired us with the story of British wartime "Dig for Victory" gardening campaign interspersed with photos of 4 generations of his own organic gardening ancestors. How brilliant that community could enjoy Council facilities; the Chambers are a fab venue for sharing information and the kitchen and toilets were available for community use. Thanks to Graeme Williams, BSC Sustainability bloke, Jeanette Martin of Community Gardens et al for organizing this lovely event. Oh, and Jan said she wanted the council website to be interactive so community can share gardening tips.

TALLOWOOD RIDGE ESTATE Mullumbimby. Who do YOU think should be making the approval decisions about this – Byron Shire Council OR the Dept Planning in Sydney? Have your say to your favourite councilor(s) because they will be voting this Thurs 9 April on whether or not council should write to Dept Planning and tell them to back off and let our local elected representatives make our own decisions. For Councillors" info go to click on Contact Council and then move your curser over to menu on left for contact details. More info about the new estate, see p219 of 2009-04-09 Ordinary Agenda.

HAVE YOUR SAY ON PESTICIDES: Mark Byrne of EDO will explain how YOUR opinion matters in the State Gov"t review of Pesticides Regulation. We are all affected by these chemicals, especially children, wildlife and water in this busy food-growing area. Various speakers (details on calendar); Wed 8 April 6 to 8 pm upstairs at Byron Bay Community Centre; gold coin donation. Call Mark Byrne 66228470

GROWING FOOD is catching on, even in USA. Check out Michelle Obama"s "White House Organic Farm" and

G20 PROTESTS IN LONDON: Did the handing of the G20 protests reveal the future of policing? Eye-opening article from The Guardian

ANOTHER BIG BOX THREAT: small town pop: 1500 Branxton (near Cessnock NSW) needs your letters of support. Check

NIMBIN MARDI GRASS annual cannabis law reform rally and gathering is on 2 & 3 May

WWs the POKIES PEOPLE: see article on

Chow for now

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