
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 08May2009


Woolworths S68 application still not decided

Greetings! First, the good news: a group of people in Mullumbimby (other than MCAN) are working on the Woolworths issue. Their support is encouraging, and that"s all I"m allowed to report at present. Watch this space!

BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL"S approval or rejection of Woolworths S68 sewage application is still under consideration. Will BSC use their only shred of self-determination to force Woolworths to obey the same laws as everybody else? The WICA Act (about sewage mining, mentioned in last newsletter) appears to be a red herring. Byron Shire Council still has the last say! Leave a message on ask the General Manager to reject the Woolworths S68 application.

MULLUM COMMUNITY GARDENS: Composting Loo Doo tomorrow Sat 9 May: besides info about composting toilets there will be films, discussions, food, treasure trove, massage and in the evening dancing to the Stipski band. For info call Jeanette Martin on 66844876 or 0412 322255.

‘BEYOND BELIEF" says Alan Jones about Woolworths profits which are up 8.8 per cent in six-monthly sales whilst other well-known businesses struggle. An interesting article:

TWISTIES SHOW HOW WWS IS RIPPING YOU OFF: Yet another article by Alan Jones: an eye opening explanation about Bullies

WOOLWORTHS CREEPING ACQUISITIONS: Will Assistant Treasurer Chris Bowen"s proposals to reform regulations on big companies swallowing up small ones make any difference to Woolworths creeping acquisitions which are like the March of the Cane Toads? See the Business Section in The Australian,28124,25439987-5013408,00.html scroll half way down article, under heading "A Change in the Weather". Comments can be left re: Bowen"s ideas till mid-June.

STUMPED: SPLENDOUR IN THE GRASS festival will not go ahead at Yelgun, thanks to local community groups. The Chief Judge at the Land and Environment Court said that the DA approved by Byron Shire Council was void as – basically - it ignored the high conservation value of the land. Congratulations to CONOS, Yelgun Defenders, Sue Higginson of EDO (Environmental Defenders Office) in Lismore and supportive community. Yeah!!

GET UP PETITION ON CLIMATE CHANGE: Kevin"s support of the big polluters,166705,3

‘INTERVENTION" Film by Vincent Lamberti will be on Thurs 14 March at Pioneer Hall, 32 Gorden Street, Mullumbimby at 6.30 pm (food) 7 pm (film): $5. This is organised by Mullumbimby iNTervention Awareness Group: contact for info.

FUEL VOUCHERS FOR COMMUNITY GROUPS: BP are offering these for volunteers of not-for-profit community groups – but not ‘political" groups like MCAN

Cheers, Deborah

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