
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

Newsletter List: Search

Originally published 17May2009


Funeral Details, S68 support needed, other events

A ceremony and wake will be held for Milli O"Nair, who was tragically killed on Mother"s Day last week. The funeral will be at Kohinor Hall, Upper Main Arm on Monday 18 May; open casket will be from 12 noon and funeral from 1 – 2 pm.

Please bring a food and drink to share afterwards, flower petals to throw and wear bright colours. The event will last until midnight. See picture and article about Milli on our website A special website called is being created by Jason right now and will be available for you to write messages on from tomorrow. "If life is measured by how many people we touch in a real way, then hers was a great life." (Lani Summers).

WOOLWORTHS SITUATION now in Mullumbimby is that Byron Shire Council is waiting for "more information" from Woolworths – which appears that they are negotiating and Byron Shire Council is not giving the straight "no" that the s68 (sewage application) deserves for an on-site sewage application on a soggy site that"s too small. Please check our website (SOON) for full letter you can copy and send to Mayor, Councillors, General Manager and Director of Planning & Environment of Byron Shire Council.

Robert suggests: "I am sure Council would feel much happier taking on an appeal by Woolworths in the Land and Environment court, with support from the community, rather than Council facing a challenge by the community if they approve the unsound application."

YOUR SUPPORT NEEDED – send a message – even one line will do such as "Please reject Woolworths S68 application" to

FRESH FOOD???? Check this:

The poor pig with maggots infested in the wound was honestly the worst thing I've ever seen," she said. The piggery is a supplier to Woolworths, but did not have industry accreditation.
The supermarket chain says it has given the operator a list of improvements.
A statement released by Woolworths said: "Woolworths responded immediately upon being informed with our head livestock buyer arriving in Tasmania within 48 hours to investigate the allegations." "We were not happy with the conditions on the farm and provided the supplier with a list of improvements to be met". Woolworths says it is visiting the farm every fortnight.

VARIOUS UPCOMING EVENTS on our website calendar (just click on the date for info): Transition Towns DVDs on Tuesdays at Ocean Shores; Repco Car Rally Demonstration in Murwillumbah on 28 May - see also Julie Boyd"s blog about this You too can add an event to our calendar on the website.

TWEED COAST DEVELOPERS IN ADMINISTRATION: Owing more than $300m Are these the same guys who intended to create new developments in Mullumbimby and make it the major town as outlined by Frank Sartor (ex Planning Minister) in his Draft Regional Far North Coast Strategy? Because of this potential "major town" status, this was the reason, Frank said, that we need a "full line supermarket". Can Mullum be spared the excesses of rampant developers and the juggernaught supermarket?

YOUR SUPPORT NEEDED – send a message – even one line will do such as "Please reject Woolworths S68 application" to

TASSIE FOREST WARRIORS UNDER SEIGE!! (22 arrests just two days ago!)
Call out for crew to get down to Tassie. Please Come to Tassie to help or do what you can from afar, contact all tassie politiions and Prime MInister RUdd, Enviro Min. Garrett and Climate Change Min. Penny Wong. Visit for contact details and more info,

Politicians need to know about your serious concerns with the destruction of the globally significant forests of the Upper Florentine
Valley. Become an active citizen and exercise your democratic right to let the government know that old growth logging and the destruction of ancient ecosystems is unacceptable, and that serious changes to legislation and policy need to happen now!
Write a letter (every hand written letter is viewed as representing the opinions of 100 voters, so it's certainly worth making the extra
effort) or send an email to your local federal member and any (or all!) of the following members of parliament. Make an appointment with your local MPs
8; they are your employees and need to listen to your concerns.
Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper and call up talk back radio. Get the word out in the media!

Donate online or at any Westpac Bank to help the campaign to save these precious forests.
Account name: Tasmanias Southern Forests
BSB #: 737001 AC#: 715846

LOCAL RESILIENCE-BUILDING STRATEGIES: What can we do to make Mullumbimby resilient in the face of the economic meltdown and post peak oil petrol price rises that are on the way? How can we be ready and self sufficient? Watch this space for more news. If you have suggestions and would like to write something for our newsletter, contact

In this life we cannot always do great things. We can only do small things with great love. - Mother Teresa

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