
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

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Originally published 22Jul2009



MT CHINCOGAN VIEW THREATENED BY OPTUS MOBILE PHONE TOWER, 20m high monopole at 1862 Coolamon Scenic Drive (Tunnel Road), next to Laurel Avenue, Mullumbimby. Sacrilege! DA is on view at BSC Mullum and submissions close in one week: 29 July.

VANDANA SHIVA (my hero) on ABC"s Late Night Live Programme, 21 July: Indian activist, author, ex-nuclear physicist and inspirational down-to-earth speaker, talking with Philip Adams about her new book "Soil not Oil", globalization, localization and Earth Democracy. Shiva was also featured in Helena Norberg-Hodge"s film "The Politics of Happiness" which is reviewed on

KULCHAJAM – NEW LOCAL FOOD CO-OP Founding members meeting will be Thurs 23 July at 1/1 Acacia Street, Byron Arts and Industry Estate. All welcome. Email Techa at or call 0409 318 406 if you can"t make it to the meeting.

Some of the suggested co-op vision and plans:
A model of production and consumption that reflects principles of sustainability, creativity, cultural vibrancy and social justice;
A permanent shopfront (or more than one) for the co-op that serves as a community cultural hub;
An ethical policy relevant to the pressing issues of our time – climate change, globalization, social justice, etc;
We can sell more ethical high quality food cheaper and fresher than the corporate enterprises through the power of co-operation and community.

RAINBOWDREAMING.ORG - Exhibition of beautiful photographs from our rainbow region from Byron to Nimbin, including the naked womens" NO WAR demo, the burning of Woolworths Big Box demo, etc. Help Harsha Prabhu send these back-to-the-earth shots to tour America: Woodstock Museum, celebrating the 40th anniversary, New York Eco Fest, Central Park and San Francisco"s West Fest at Golden Gate Park.
See the exhibition on Contact Harsha on 0434490737. Funds much needed, please, and can be dropped into majic bucket at Byron Bay Community Centre (those are tax deductible, contact Paul Spooner the boss), also at Splendour in the Grass festival. Or donate directly to Southern Cross Credit Union account: BSB 802185, AC No: 134992, Name: TF Rainbow Dreaming.

DRAFT NEW CENTRES POLICY put out by the Dept Planning is a push to allow retail and commercial centres to be put anywhere. That means, in particular Woolworths and Coles!! Currently there are regulations so that they are built close to transport and other shopping areas. Sylvia Hale (Greens MLC) gave a talk about this recently and there is a video clip on Please view and make your submission.

QUOTE: "The great neo-liberal experiment of the past 30 years has failed
3; the emperor has no clothes. Neo-liberalism, and the free-market fundamentalism it has produced, has been revealed as little more than personal greed dressed up as an economic philosophy." Kevin Rudd: The Monthly (magazine) Feb 2009.

Maybe Kevin will intervene and stop the neo-liberal Woolworths experiment in Mullumbimby.


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