
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

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Originally published 31Jul2009


Newsletter 56 July 2009

Vale, Terrie Wells, aka "Red Terra" whose programme "The Shakedown" on Bay FM represented the ethos (the attitudes and spirit) of Byron Shire. Terrie also influenced the ethos of the Shire with her informative and entertaining programme. Terrie brought to community the voices of leading environmental activists, politicians, musicians and voices of the local community – including mine! The Shakedown was my first experience on radio. I have written a poem in tribute to Terrie, and its on Terrie is sadly missed. Condolences to her son Jarrah and her mother Ruth.

BLUESFEST AT TYAGARAH?? Tyagarah or Byron? This will be voted on at a Byron Shire Council meeting this Wednesday 5 August from 10.30 am. Public access is from 9 to 10.30 and book in for your say on this with council the day before, or contact your favourite councilor/s and let them know your opinion. Check the details on however, seems like the more juicy documents are confidential. This is being pushed through without any fanfare in the Echo or at Bay FM – hardly anyone knows about it! Why??? The site backs onto a Nature Reserve, 20,000 campers may have an impact, esp if bumpy Grays Lane suddenly floods, as it can. Bluesfesters are not famous for abstinence, and Easter is a busy time on the highway. Mullum is the nearest town. Isn"t Councils new sportsfield/festival site in Ewingsdale, close to camping facilities, adequate for a supposedly one-off event??

OPTUS TOWER SPOILING VIEW OF CHINNY?: Two weeks extension of submission deadline. Optus are proposing a telecommunications tower next to Laurel Avenue, Mullumbimby, close to St John"s Primary School and many houses in Laurel Avenue. Not enough buffer zone provided. (In 1997 Minister for Ed recommended at least 500m buffer; the school is 200m or 300m nearby.) Quite apart from the safety issues about radiation affecting schoolkids and families nearby, the aesthetics of seeing a 20m tower with 3 panels attached at the top dominating the view of our sacred mountain from town is outrageous.
The General Manager at council(at)
Byron Shire Council, PO Box 219 Mullumbimby NSW 2482 or hand deliver
You must quote: Dev App No: 2009.300.1 AND Parcel Number: 12480

Application ‘DA.2009.300.1 – Lot 12 DP 578826 – 1862 Coolamon Scenic Drive" Application can be viewed at Byron Shire Council"s Administration Building, 70-90 Station Street Mullumbimby DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED FOR TWO WEEKS.

THE PM AND THE FROG: a 1 min political satire animation on please help network this.

Rainforest Information Centre Annual General Meeting - Please join us at 54 Hindmarsh Road, Lismore (opposite Trinity College) for the RIC Annual General Meeting on August 11th at 4:30PM. Email rainforestinfo(at) for further details.

3. Long Live the Elephants - Check out our "cause" on Facebook to protect Asian elephants at . If you are on Facebook, please join this cause and encourage your friends to do likewise.

THE NATIONAL INTEREST: Hear Mayor Jan Barham talking about retreating coastline policy while Byron United heavy says BSC "should" fix up the coastline dated24 July. At the end of that prog, you can also hear me giving feedback about the prog aired the week before about Melbourne"s City of Moreland"s mayor charging double council rates for venues with pokies. Since Woolworths are the major stakeholders in the pokie company, this is a refreshing story of a Mayor who cares
3; Meanwhile I heard a couple of days ago that Belongil residents have been sandbagging and laying rocks on the beach this week.

KU RING GAI EXPERIENCE: The sort of democracy NSW communities can look forward to under Planning Minister Kristina Keneally"s Planning Panels. This is a 3 min doco, well worth watching. Group "Friends of Ku-ring-gai" say that the State government is out of control. Hello?

GARBAGE WARRIOR building the "Earth Ship" sustainable house out of recycled materials. Brilliant!

WHALO-KING JAPANESE SUSHI CHAIN is apparently planning to open a sushi restaurant in Byron Bay this year. They support the "sustainable" harvesting of whales, and their website logo is a picture of a whale caught up in a pair of chopsticks. Unbelievable!!! I received a questionnaire in the post from Mavis Anthony, PO Box 593 Bangalow 2479, plus car sticker and fridge magnet, so I checked out the website and found their media release announcing their intention to come to Byron. Oh ho?

3;. Watch this space!!!

QUOTE: Kevin Rudd quoting Keynes: "When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done."


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