
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

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Originally published 02Sep2009



REPCO RALLY DEMO THIS FRIDAY: Bus from Byron Bus Stop 7.30am & Mullum Newsagency 7.50 am. See you on the bus! Returning mid afternoon. Cost $4 return to Uki event.

There are just 2 days to go before the Repco rally hits our towns, rural roads and national parks.

After months of tireless activity by the huge number of people who oppose the rally, the time for our biggest stand is at hand. Activity to prepare for protest during the event has been frenetic in the past weeks, with banner painting workshops, leaflet and poster distribution and finalising of the protest schedule.
The true nature of the Repco Rally is as a media event. For this reason it's essential that we show the strength of our numbers in expressing our voice as the local community whose home is being invaded and trashed, and whose democratic rights have been stripped away by the NSW Parliament via the Motor Sports WRC Bill.

It's critically important that as many people as possible show their physical presence on the rally weekend. The protest schedule has been designed with this in mind, as the event covers such a wide area.

Please forward this message urgently to your contacts to help get the word out!
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Protest action, Friday 4th September - bus from Byron and Mullum
If you are interested to show your disapproval for this bush-bashing car event in our part of the world – something determined by the power brokers in Sydney there is a protest organised at 9am this Friday, 4th September at Byangum Bridge, Kyogle Road between Murwillumbah and Ukibus.
A small bus (27 seater) will be leaving Byron Bus Stop at 7.30am and will pick up at Mullum Newsagency, cnr Stuart St & Burringbar Rd at 7.50am. The return trip will cost you $4. Phone Doug on 6684 5294 or phone 0438 357 452 for more information.


DEMO AGAINST WOOLWORTHS AT STATION STREET SITE MONDAY 28 SEPT 9.30 am: The Land and Environment Court (Judge and Jury?) will be checking out the site at that time before going down to Ballina Court House, River Street for a 3 day hearing. Let"s give them a good turn out! Placards, Banners, Bells and Whistles. Woohoo!!!

WOOLWORTHS-v-BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL at Land & Environment Court, Ballina on 28-30 September: Wws are challenging BSC"s rejection of their sewer-on-a-bog. Remember, Woolworths have an approval to build Stage 1 & Stage 2 only when the new STP is ready for them to connect to. They"re allowed to build Stage 1 with an on-site, but not both Stages with an on-site sewer because the site is too small, too boggy and may well be a hazard to human and environmental health. Frank Sartor approved the original supermarket after it was rejected by our councillors (see for the latest on Frank Sartor – a big development decision of his was overturned at Catherine Hill Bay by the Land & Environment Court. Now its our turn for an overturn!) This will be an opportunity for a peaceful demonstration. Please get your placards ready.


Thanks to Benny Zable, Nimbin activist extraordinaire (think gas-masked, black robed man atop pyramid with message of white letters on black background – to be found at any big environmental event – currently he"s in New York helping out with ECOFEST 2009) for this lovely slogan. Benny says he"s "deeply distressed that Woolworths have been give the green light to expand their corporate environmentally destructive practices", and he mentions non-violent civil disobedience actions.

INTERNET CENSORSHIP: Who will be targeted? Just porn sites or is there a government/corporate push filter out NGOs, advocacy or activist groups?,166705,3 Technology has eroded the power that governments have over what citizens read, hear or watch. Activism has become more powerful because of the internet. Is "Internet Censorship" an attack on our freedom of speech and community participation?

GIOVANNI EBONO leaves the show he created; The Generator. He was suspended from Bay FM last week by the management committee of the station because of outspoken comments about Peter Noble and the death of Jai Morcom. His show, The Generator, was launched in November 2005 and includes a news segment which is broadcast nationally on the Community Radio Network.
"I have been sacked twice by Kerry Packer and once by Ziggy Switkowski, but have generally bounced back," Ebono said.
"I accept that there may have been errors of judgment on my part this week, only time will tell."
Bay FM had been criticised by residents of Tyagarah for not giving more airtime to the issue of Blues Fest development application before Byron Shire Council. Ebono said that he felt he was representing the interests of the community by replaying a two year old interview with Noble in which he dismisses critics of the Blues Fest: check &

Good luck Giovanni – thanks for your dedication to the health of the planet over the years, and for your community-mindedness over this and other issues. We await your bounce-back.

ACT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE – check out for International Day of Climate Action 24 October. There will be an event organised by NCCAG (North Coast Climate Action Group) with BCAN Ballina for an event on Sat 24th Oct at Missingham Bridge Park in Ballina with a schedule of things to happen on that day (International Climate Action Day) leading up to COPENHAGEN. There will be a bus from Byron Shire. More info later.

Shakti Bourke from Kyogle is organising a "350 climate quilt" to highlight the issue in a collaborative art work and is asking people to submit squares to her. Tel: 66333208 (More details will be on soon).

BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL – Is there a MCAN supporter who is interested in attending 6 weekly focus group meetings from 23 Sept? Community Focus group for design of Community Consultation Strategy for proposed Draft Shire-wide Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP). Call Deb 66843723 to discuss.

I"ll be on the bus on Friday for the Repco demo.


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