
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 08Oct2009



MULLUM FIGHTS WOOLWORTHS – The Land & Environment Court appeal by Woolworths against our Councillors rejection of their shonky sewage will be continued 18, 19, 20 November in Sydney as Wws still needed to provide "more information". In other words, Wws knew their current proposal wasn"t viable, so they are now working on yet another plan. Because Wws caused this delay, our counsel, Tim Robertson, will request Wws pay the court costs. As Duncan says in the Echo this week, its extraordinary that Wws can keep changing the plans for the sewage system and the court case will not judge the system that was refused – they will be judging the case on the merits of whatever can be dreamed up between now and the hearing. Does that sound fair to you?

LOCAL HERO ON SBS – Paul Madeiros from Edens Landing vege shop in Mullum was on SBS "Insight" programme last week. See interview with Paul on

NEWPORT FIGHTS WOOLWORTHS Please help stop Wws transforming the Newport lovely seaside village into another big box nightmare. What Wws need to go ahead is to have the local council carparks rezoned –objections need to be in by Friday 9 October (that"s tomorrow – sorry about late notice – I"ve been on a computer holiday). Forms you need are on under the Rezoning Objections tab. Alternatively, write to your MP.

OCEAN SHORES COMMUNITY GARDEN – Would you like to grow fresh, organic food with friends and neighbours? Come to a public meeting on Tues 20 Oct 7 pm sharp at South Golden Hall. Speakers: Graeme Williams, BSC sustainability bloke and Jeanette Martin of Mullum Community Gardens. More Info: David Hall 6680 4728.

DEEP ECOLOGY WORKSHOP –"Touching the Earth" with John Seed and friends at the Forest Meditation Centre, The Channon on the weekend of Oct 30-Nov 1. The weekend will include meditation, yoga and wholesome food as well as experiential deep ecology processes. Cost will be $140-100 with all proceeds to benefit a local sustainable community project and a reforestation project in India. For more about the programme, registration etc, please visit (that is zero x 3 e)

Friday October 30 - Sunday November 1st
Nimbin Town Hall
Last chance to enter a film. Win the Environmental Award category!

RED ALERT - help stop two new coal fired power plants in NSW Mt Piper near Lithgow and Hunter Valley just fill in online form.

CLIMATE CHANGE CAMP – this weekend Fri 9th Oct at Helensburgh – organised by Rising Tide: contact: or

SAVE THE DOLPHINS – the movie "The Cove" was a guerrilla documentary (made by the man who trained Flipper) to highlight the massacre of 2000 dolphins each year in a small fishing town of Taiji, Japan. Some dolphins are selected to go to marine parks and dolphinariums, the rest are slaughtered and sold off as whale meat. Photos of the water running red with blood available. Please sign petition:

BLUECRAY.ORG Bluecray is a non-profit Environmental Advocacy Resource Site, based within the Mt Warning Caldera Region, on the central east coast of Australia.
Bluecray vision: REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCACY. Linking global, national, state, regional and local environmental advocacy resources together, bringing the bigger global picture to a local practical level...

ANOTHER SWINE FLU CONSPIRACY THEORY: The main point of the mass vaccination is to implant nanotechnology microchips that will allow external manipulation of the body mentally, emotionally and physically - including the so-called 'death chip' that can be used to assassinate targeted people or cause mass extermination. This is from [SpiritualPrep2012] David Icke.

Chow for now

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