
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 08Nov2009


court case & AGM & local events

WOOLWORTHS LAND & ENV COURT CHALLENGE Sydney 18, 19 & 20 November. Four members of Mullumaction (MCAN) will be going to Sydney, leaving Tues 18 Nov. Calling all Sydney supporters and anti-corporate take-overers: please come and support the defenders of Mullumbimby who will represent our community in court. Please know that you will be welcomed by MCAN. Contact Duncan 02-66845 440.

WOOLWORTHS AGM 26 NOV: (Sydney) Protesters will be there as well as Nick Xenophon raising a question about pokies (use search engine on our website for more info re: Nick"s campaign). Any Woolworths shareholders willing to support our cause contact compost(at)

have got some workshops coming up
Mark Byrne
Education Officer
Environmental Defenders Office Northern Rivers 66228470

1 & 2. Planning law workshops: Reconnecting the community with the
planning system - Ballina and Coffs Harbour, 26 and 28 November

What do you think of the NSW planning system? These workshops are funded by the Department of Planning NSW and will be jointly facilitated by the EDO Sydney office and the Total Environment Centre. Along with others elsewhere in NSW, they will culminate in a report to inform the Department about how the public views the planning system and their experiences when engaging with the Department.

Ballina: Thursday 26 November, Richmond Room, 5 Regatta Avenue, Ballina, 5:30pm to 8.30pm

Coffs Harbour: Saturday 28 November, Cavanbah Centre, 191 Harbour Drive, 1pm to 5pm

For more information or to RSVP please contact Dave Burgess at the TEC on daveb(at) or 9261 3437. Upon receipt of your RSVP you will be issued with a Discussion Paper on the planning system. Workshops will focus on the content of the Discussion Paper. Refreshments will be provided.

3. Seminar: Planned retreat, climate change and biodiversity - Byron
Bay, 3 December

In response to a rising wave of interest from all levels of government in threats to coastal communities from climate change, the Environmental Defender's Office Northern Rivers presents a free public seminar on coastal management. It will focus on how liability issues, adaptation strategies and biodiversity protection are dealt with in recent initiatives including Byron Council's Draft Coastal Zone Management Plan and the NSW Government's reforms to coastal erosion management.

Thursday 3 December
SCU Room, Byron Community Centre, Johnson St
5.45 for 6 pm sharp to 8 pm

Light meal provided. No booking necessary. For more information, please call Mark Byrne, Education Officer, EDO Northern Rivers, on 66228470 or 1300 369 791 or email edonr(at) Please note that current litigation concerning protection works at Belongil Beach and the question of whether or not Byron Council is partially responsible for erosion there will NOT be addressed.

4. Workshop: Native vegetation and private native forestry - Coffs
Harbour, 5 December

This event is being organised with Coffs Harbour Council in response to concerns about illegal land clearing. It will cover the approvals
process for private native forestry under the Native Vegetation Act and other relevant instruments including Local Environmental Plans and Koala Plans of Management.

Saturday 5 December
Cavanbah Hall, 191 Harbour Drive
10.30 am to 3 pm including a light lunch

To register to attend, please call Rachel Binskin at Coffs Harbour
Council on 66484662 or email rachel.binskin(at)

5. Meeting for groups: TransGrid and local energy - Lismore, 10

Does the North Coast need more coal-fired electricity at a cost of
$227M? TransGrid, NSW's electricity network builder and operator, plans to build a 330 kV transmission line from west of Tenterfield down to Lismore. The EDO Northern Rivers and Lismore Community Sustainability Forum are organising a meeting on the evening of Thursday 10 December in Lismore to discuss this project, join with other groups, examine alternative power proposals and plan a strategy to stop this "19th century" project. The proposal will be publicly exhibited under Part 3A of the EPA Act, and the EDO will organise at least one public meeting at that time. This initial meeting is for representatives of environment and community groups. We are contacting groups by separate email. If your group has not received an invitation and would like to be represented, please reply to this email or call Mark Byrne on 66228470 or Simon Clough on 66242894 to let us know.


Northern Rivers Upcoming Events etc...

1. The film "VIEW FROM A GRAIN OF SAND" by Afghan journalist Meena Nanji will be shown at the Birth & Beyond Centre, 54 Cullen St in Nimbin next Thursday Nov. 12th, 7pm, door opens 6.30pm. Please bring a cushion to sit on...If you know you are attending, please make a booking with Bob at 66 888 264 or boboort(at)

The film gives a 50 year account of the Afghanistan saga since before the Russian invasion and how events have led to the present situation. It represents an insight story on the effects of the wars and tribal conflicts on the Afghan people, the way women are brutally treated and how the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) has come to exist as the only viable movement for change.

2. Quoll, Glider and Owl costumes returned home to the North Coast to protest the Repco Rally need a ride to Sydney to help the Wilderness Society. If you have room in your car to take them down, please email johnseed1(at)

3. Rainforest Information Centre founder John Seed will be joining 8 meditation teachers at the incomparable Dharma Gathering by the beach at Yarrahapinni, Stuarts Point, near Coffs Harbour 20th - 27th November. John will give a talk on Dharma and Ecology and offer various experiential deep ecology processes.


** As consumers we unsuspectingly eat palm oil that was produced at the expense of rainforests, precious habitat for orangutans, tigers, rhinos, elephants...Ask the Australian Government to label palm oil on all products that contain
it. Take Action:

** Protect the Red Gum Forests...Act Now : Easy to submit your call for protection at:

** Please help network the following action to protect old growth forests of Tasmania and sign on if you have not already:

QUOTE; "It is individuals who change societies, who give birth to ideas, who by standing out against the tides of opinion, change them" Doris Lessing. (from "In the tiger"s Mouth: An Empowerment Guide for Social Action" by Katrina Shields (2000).


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