
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 23Feb2010


Mullum-Zine 76: L&E Court



Byron Shire Council upcoming Agenda for 25 February has on p 209 -213 the results of the Land & Env Court. In brief, my understanding of it is that Woolworths onsite was approved because (among other reasons) the Court interpreted the Shire Policy in a different way than Bryon Shire council meant it to be interpreted. Costs so far exceed $346.000 for legal and expert witnesses and it is considered 'commercially viable' for council to press for costs. However, an appeal against the decision is unlikely.

TODAYTONIGHT channel 7: Friday's filming in Mullum and Byron: Today Tonight - video is top right.

CASPAR BRACE (Anthea's partner) will have an art exhibition in conjunction with Rainforest Rescue on Friday 26 Feb 6.30 pm at 1051 Coolamon Scenic Drive (before they both go off to Europe for family reasons).

NEWPORT - North Sydney are still fighting Woolworths. Please sign their petition on Their upcoming events are on their site.


Chairman of Woolworths and Board member of Qantas has sent their Frequent Flyer cardholders a Woolworths credit card so they can "link memberships". Note that the Wws credit card is with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp (HSBC) and not a good ole Aussie bank.

Blood is boiling in Maleny, from whence comes the recommendation that all frequent flyer and Woolworths cards are publicly burned. On second thoughts, hang on to them and we could make a ceremony of it, perhaps at the Maleny reunion/gathering/event in April??


Richard Hart from DREAM PUPPETS, based in Melbourne, will be presenting
his iconic puppet show entitled "SUPERBIA" at The Mullumbimby Drill Hall
on Friday the 26th of February at 8pm. The show runs for about 45 mins and is suitable for adults, and children over 4years old.

The Dreamer Family hears that the local supermarket wants to demolish
their house as part of its expansion plans. They are not going to sit back
and let this happen!! Please see for more details of the show which is an example of BLACKLIGHT PUPPETRY where the puppets and scenery glow in the dark giving a truly magical experience – or call 02 66841783

A new Farmers and Artisans Market for Mullumbimby

-starting at the Mullumbimby Showgrounds on April 9

The North Byron Farmers Market Association [NBFM] is sponsoring a new weekly local Farmers and Artisans Market at the Mullumbimby Showgrounds. This has been designed to encourage more Mullumbimby residents to shop locally, where locals buy from locals and the dollars stay within the local economy . The market will be held every Friday from 7am -11am and will expand the traditional local Farmers Market model to include opportunities for local small businesses producing value added local foods, garden, food and native plants and artisanal crafts using sustainable practices .There will be no on selling and a 'rigorous' application process with approvals to participate granted following 'satisfactory' visits to the farms,artisanal workshops and and value adding facilities. A section where locals can buy hens, ducks, beehives and alpacas will also be developed.A monthly recycling component selling recycled farm implements and recycled gardening tools is planned as a later addition..This model will provide a more diverse and vibrant market for the community.
NBFM is a not for profit community association currently running the New Brighton Farmers Market, that was established in 2007. 'The NBFM charter is to foster closer links between local food producers and consumers, to encourage organic and biodynamic food production and strengthen the sustainability of the local community and economy," said Ian Cameron, NBFM President. "Our Association was also established to develop more Farmers Markets in the north of the Byron Shire".The steering committee is also looking at ways that some Mullumbimby food related CBD businesses can be included in this new market model -as occurs in many European farmers /local food markets.
The Mullumbimby Showgrounds provides a fabulous setting for such a market with its grassy areas shaded by large old fig trees and the charming 'old worldy' beer garden that will provide covered sitting and table and 'social' space for customers. There is plenty of room for stalls and expansion in the future and ample and convenient parking. Last year"s Mullumbimby Show was a huge success and demonstrated what a fabulous resource the community has. This new market will support the Showgrounds by providing regular income for maintenance and help make it once more an important focal point for the Mullumbimby community.
"This market will provide a great starting point for new farmers and new local sustainable enterprises,'' Ian said, "and it is looking for stalls that offer a diverse range of local products such as heritage vegetables, cheeses, bean sprouts, tofu, handcrafted bread-boards and bowls, handmade ceramic mugs and plates and heritage live poultry varieties."
Anyone interested in either becoming a stallholder or a volunteer to help organize this new community market can phone 0413610222 or email:


Tues 23 Feb. 'Fall of the Republic', Alex Jones. USA.
Tues 2 March. 'The War on Democracy', John Pilger. Australia.
Tues 9 March. 'The real news you will not see on TV', Max Igor, Austr.
Tues 16 March. 'Comedy: Robert Newman's History of Oil', UK.
Tues 23 March. 'Population Reduction', Leuren Moret, USA.
Tues 30 March. 'Permaculture Principles', David Holmgren, Australia.

Address- 85 Orana Rd, Ocean Shores. Ph. 6680 4728.
Directions- From the South take the Ocean Shores turn off Pacific Hwy, Left over Bruns River, Right up Rajah Rd, 2nd Left into Warrambool Rd, Left @ roundabout, 4th house on right. Donation of $5 please. Arrive 7.15 pm for 7.30 sharp start, get a cup of herb tea.

For some light relief, watch the Troggs Wooly Bully

Chow for now

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