Originally published 11Apr2010
ABC Radio National"s Australia Talks programme aired on 30 March entitled "Community Character" featured the Mullumbimby v Woolworths issue. This can still be found online until this Tuesday at
http://www.abc.net.au/rn/australiatalks/stories/2010/2854905.htm and you can read the comments that have been left there. Woolworths Simon "Spin" Berger is the new Community Relations Manager, fresh from the Department of Defence, can also be heard on the programme. Open letter to him is below.
BYRON REGION COMMUNITY COLLEGE has received funding to run 2 courses this term of interest to growers, potential growers or those wanting to shift to more sustainable land use practises:
A14 Water, Weather & Pests a short certificate course from the horticulture certificate with Alan Coates. Learn how to organically control pests & diseases, design sustainable water systems and monitor weather conditions. This course covers 4 units from Cert IV in Horticulture. 11 Tuesday classes starting 19th of April Course fee: $50
A13 Sustainable Land Use How to apply sustainable growing practises to land for agriculture or horticulture with Alan Coates. 4 Saturdays 24th April to 15th May to be held in Mullumbimby Course Fee $50
Alan has been at the forefront of sustainable agriculture in the region for 30 years, teaching organic agriculture at Wollongbar TAFE, and through Soilcare and Landcare and well as consulting to the agriculture & horticulture industries.
Please ring 66843374 or go to
http://www.byroncollege.org.au to book and find other courses on sustainable living, butterflies, chooks and solar stuff.
PESTICIDE EFFECTS: Ever wondered if there were some foods more than others you should try to buy organic or grow yourself? Or at least wash them really well if you buy them from the supermarket. Here's the answer.
The chemicals sprayed on Australian food in this story- endosulfan and carbendazim
WELLWISHERS RAFFLE: Support the building of a water well in Ethiopia last few days to get tickets the prize is a trip to New Zealand for 2, plus car hire and accommodation - Ross Allan (02)6684.3524 or by email
Mr Simon Berger
Community Relations Manager
Woolworths Limited
1 Woolworths Way
Bella Vista NSW 2153 9 April 2010
Dear Simon Berger
Congratulations on becoming the Community Relations Manager for Woolworths, and we hear on ABC"s Australia Talks (30.3.10) that you are proud to be working for this company.
To assist your community relations with the community of Mullumbimby, we invite you to come to a public meeting in Mullumbimby so that you may understand some of the concerns which our community have in regard to your proposed big box in sleepy Station Street.
In the meantime, perhaps you would be kind enough to address some of these pressing matters:
1. We understand that Woolworths is disputing their S94 Contributions to the required infrastructure to service your big box such as road improvements, pavements and concrete roundabout. This "externalising of costs" means that ratepayers will have to foot the bill. Please explain.
2. Currently the Department of Planning is assessing a Modification (3) to the DA for your supermarket. These changes are not on exhibition and we want to see them as we understand that they include the planting of landscaping trees in the irrigation areas which may result in tree roots going down the pipes. Please explain.
Transparency with regard to these matters, for a start, would go a long way to improve the current displeasure with your company. Please advise when you"d like to come and establish some personal relationship with our community.
Yours truly
Deborah Lilly
Mullumbimby Community Action Network