Originally published 25Mar2011
voting info,
VOTING INFO RE STATE ELECTION- how to maximise your vote
To ensure that you don't waste part of your vote in the Upper House
Vote 1 - then vote 2 and even 3 above the line
(more info below)
KARIN KOLBE is getting my vote in the local elections she is an Independent, a woman, passionate about local public transport, esp trains (she is President of TOOT). She presents Bay FM"s spincycle" prog about local politics and issues. She is articulate, grounded and is open to dialogue. More on
SIMON RICHARDSON - Greens gets my second vote. See
http://www.byronballinagreens.org. Simon is also passionate about restoring the rail line and has been very supportive re: the Woolworths issue. He is also very articulate, is a local councillor and a schoolteacher.
Apparently the new supermarket will open in May. Meanwhile, where is the fab onsite sewage system that they fought so vehemently for in court? The roundabout they are building has already taken 9 months (instead of 3) still stuffing up Mullum"s traffic.
Dollar a litre milk? If the farmers are stuffed who will buy cheap farms? What for? Agrofuels?
Pittwater Council"s consultants, SJB Planing, have recommended there be a public hearing into the Foamcrest Ave public land rezoning proposal put forward by Pittwater Council. Councillors will vote on whether or not to have this public hearing at council"s meeting on Mon 4 April at 6.30 pm at the Memorial Hall Mona Vale. If you can possibly make it, please come to this meeting.
More info on:
http://www.Newportveruswoolies.org and
Because of the way the NSW Upper House vote is counted, there is a danger that ultraconservatives who support the Shooters, Family First, Pauline Hanson or Fred Nile could win a controlling vote
The Coalition appears headed for a landslide in the Lower House in the NSW elections on March 26. If Labor plus The Greens plus John Hatton (who has the next best chance) don't win 10 seats out of the 21 to be elected for the Upper House, then there will be no brake on an ultraconservative agenda that includes privatisation, anti-worker laws, degradation or abolition of national parks, cuts to welfare services, and discrimination against minorities.
This week a group of people from non-government organisations, including unions, the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Parents & Citizens Associations, the Rape Crisis Centre, Women"s Electoral Lobby and GLBTIQ groups met to express their concerns about the election.
Their message is: Whatever the parties say to you on their 'how to vote' information, maximise your progressive vote by voting at least 1-2-3 'above the line' in the order you choose. This will ensure that any leftover part of your vote will flow on to progressives after the maximum number of your first preference candidates are elected. If you only vote 1 above the line and all your candidates are not elected, your vote will not automatically flow on (as they do in the Federal elections) because of the different way the upper house ballot is counted in NSW.
If you want to vote 'below the line', you have to number at least 15 candidates correctly in sequence to cast a valid vote. You can pick your own progressive candidates to vote for.
Counting for the last one or two seats in the Upper House will come down to just a few hundred votes. Make sure all of your vote is counted by giving a thoughtful preference after your first choice.
If you want to maximise the progressive vote in the Upper House on March 26 don't waste any part of your vote give a thoughtful 1-2-3 preference above the line"
"Power is like a verb: it happens through us" (Joanna Macy)