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Originally published 22Sep2011


ANIMA MUNDI film tonight Mullum Civic


DOCUMENTARY tonight at the Mullum Civic (Thurs 22 Sept)
Will you survive the transition of human industrial civilization happening now due to peak oil and climate change? Can you see the forest for the trees, the earth for the dream, the universe for the seed? Anima Mundi is an innovative documentary about the planetary animal called the Earth and the human animal we deny, we deny at our own peril, yet a peril that is perfect in design.

David Holmgren -- co-founder of Permaculture
John Seed -- Deep Ecology
Stephan Harding -- Gaian Ecology
Vandana Shiva -- Human Rights and Eco-Feminism
Michael C Ruppert -- Peak Oil (as seen in the movie Collapse)
Michael Reynolds -- Earthships (as seen in the movie Garbage Warrior)
Noam Chomsky -- Activism
Dr Mark O'Meadhra -- Integrative Medicine
Dr Christine James -- Psychology
Permablitz -- Permaculture

‘ANIMA MUNDI" movie TONIGHT AT THE Civic, Mullumbimby
With speakers Dr Liliana Corridor, Robyn Francis and Permaculture book launch.

Doors open 6 pm; amazing organic food from Santos Kitchen
This presentation is a benefit to support Australian Youth Climate Coalition Powershift Summit.
Tickets $12/10 conc.

Apologies for this late notice. Spring in the garden and a wwoofer on the go has been a massive distraction from the computer. Here is an extract from a book that I just happened to be reading ...

ANIMA Mundi or care of the soul in the world

"In the ancient world everything in the world, including supposedly inanimate objects, and the world herself had soul. People honoured the rocks and mountains of the world, the trees and creatures of the world as well as the spirit of other people in the world. All things were considered to be alive and to be in relationship to each other. A modern rational scientific perspective explains people"s occasional sense that ‘inanimate" objects have life as mere projection, which is a very human-centred position. To allow all things to have vitality and personality is an entirely different paradigm which changes the human position from controller and exploiter to participant who can listen and respect the lessons of the trees and waves. We are in need of a rebirth of ancient wisdom and attention to soul in the world. Perhaps the very idea of what we are doing in counselling, therapy and psychology needs to be radically re-imagined to attend more fully to soul in the world as well as in the individual." (Abram, 1996; Sardello, 1994 in Mackewn, J. 1997 "Developing Gestalt Counselling", Sage Publications pp 155/6.)


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