
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 13Aug2012


ROCK THE GATE Byron Wed 7 pm

Newsletter 107
13 August 2012

A CSG FREE BYRON SHIRE group has been formed. All of Mullumbimby is under threat from CSG mining. A Petroleum Exploration Licence PEL445 has been granted to Arrow Energy covering an area from somewhere near the Post Office eastward, including New City Road, Valences Road, etc. West of this line, including Mullum Creek area, a Petroleum Special Prospecting Application has been applied for by the NSW Aboriginal Land Council. This information came from Byron Shire Council offices.

They can mine anywhere, anytime, even in the suburbs. Exploration licences have been issued over most of the Northern Rivers region. Please contact or locally if you want to join the movement or can help financially.

ROCK THE GATE Movie: Byron Theatre, Community Centre 15th August – 7 pm
Featuring performers and activists including Xavier Rudd, Luke Vassella, OKA, Dubmarine, Steady Eddy, Brian Monk, Drew Hutton and S Sorrenson, as well as 7000 people from the Northern Rivers, NSW, Australia.
On behalf of CSG Free Lismore, David Lowe and his team of dedicated film-makers extraordinaire are creating a full length dynamic music movie displaying the phenomenal Rally and Rock the Gate concert experienced in Lismore in May 2012.
ROCK the GATE, the Movie, records a major piece of Northern Rivers history, where 7,000 residents walked together in defence of their land and water. What happened that day was a unique and important social statement, especially for regional Australia.
This production is a wondrous combination of people power, speakers and music. ROCK the GATE, the Movie is an instrument to inspire and ignite passion in more people to participate in the fight for our lives. The movie will contribute immensely to our cause.
Let"s continue to show the ‘powers that be" that the gas mining companies in this region do NOT have the majority support of the community. We are the voice.
Byron Bay (15th Aug): Byron Theatre, Community Centre, 69 Jonson Street, Phone: (02) 6685 6807 FREE (02) 6685 6807 Online tickets:
Stay tuned for full screening details at other cinemas across the Northern Rivers. Visit us on FaceBook (see Events)
Link to ROCK the GATE, the Movie trailer

YOUR MOVEMENT: A table at the event on Wed promoting local LOCK THE ROADS movement is where you can sign up your support. Please pass this info around your networks. We will need people to conduct door to door surveys in each area. If a majority of people want their roads and lands CSG Free, they put up Gasfield Free road signs. If a whole locality does this, they can invite media to a community celebration in which they present their Road Declarations to their Mayor.

CSG REFERENDUM: Lismore elections in September are having a referendum to ask the people whether they want CSG or not. Please can we have a referendum in Byron shire too!

Gasfield Free Community Celebrations (as S Sorrensen says in the Rock the Gate film..."we will confuse them with our joy"
Nimbin Valleys Launch. Saturday 18th Aug 2.30pm @ Peace Park. HUGE number of roads.
Jiggi Valley Fair. Jenny Dowell receives Declarations 3pm as part of the Jiggi Fair -Sun 19th Aug. Fair starts noon, see promo.
Kunghur/Mt Burrell. Sun 26th Aug, Tweed Mayor Barry Longland will receive the Declarations. 11am Sphinx Rock Cafe.

Coming Public Meetings for Gasfield Free communities - if you know people in these places please alert them.
Numulgi/Woodlawn - Sat 11th 3pm Numulgi Public Hall (Lismore Council)
Greenridge/Tatham - Sun 12th 1pm Greenridge Public Hall (Richmond Valley Shire)
Nashua - Sun 26th August, 3pm Pierces Creek Hall (Ballina Shire)
Eden Creek - Sat 1st Sept, Eden Creek Hall (Kyogle Shire)
Upper Main Arm - Sun 9th Sept, 2pm Kohinur Hall (Byron Shire)
Northern Ridges - 25th and 26th Aug, 3pm Goonellabah Community Centre (Lismore)

CSG FREE BYRON SHIRE seems to be lagging these other communities ... not for long!
Please come and give your support.

Best wishes for a future


PS from the Rainforest Info Centre, Lismore:

*** Despair & Empowerment workshop with John Seed, Lismore, September 1-2 details , all proceeds to Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Beyond Zero Emissions and 100% Renewables Campaign.

*** Please attend or otherwise support the BLOCKADE TO STOP NEW COAL MINES in N NSW -

*** We are raising funds for a food security through permaculture project in Africa - see

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