
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

Newsletter List: Search

Originally published 03Oct2012


CSG Rally MBah 13 Oct

Newsletter 108
3 October 2012


13 October MURWILLUMBAH from 10 am
If you missed the Lismore rally, watch the movie trailer here:

This is very important to show up in large numbers; our strength is in unity. It will be a wonderful event.

Could you please network locally and see if you can get a group going from your locality?
Bring your 'street signs' to walk behind the CSG Free Communities banner.

Please 'contact us' at for emailed poster for the rally, or pick one up from
The Honey Wagon stall at: Mullum Farmers market Friday or Taste of Bangalow on Sat morning.
Personal communication is likely to be the most effective way to get people there, so please phone people and ask "would you like to come with us?"

There will be a bus from Ballina/Bangalow: contact Jess at gasfieldfreebfn at gmail dot com let her know your preferred pickup place. Cost about $15 return.

The O"Farrell government of NSW recently approved fracking by lifting the moratorium. They granted production licences in Casino so its full steam ahead for wells there.
Read commentary by Aidan Rickets
Aidan Ricketts is a lecturer at the School of Law and Justice at SCU where his research and teaching specialisation is in the area of community activism and public interest advocacy. He is the author of the recently released Activists Handbook and a prominent activism trainer.

Listen to Knitting Nannas Against Gas (we are the nurturers) and Girls Against Gas (we keep it light because this is really dire) at their sit-in protest at Don Page"s office 17 September 2012

Watch ABC"s 7.30 report
Jeremy Buckingham"s newsletter is at

BALLINA CSG FREE meetings are being organised to bring everyone together who wants to help keep the Ballina Shire CSG free. A number of working groups will be formed including a Roads Group (already started), a NVDA (non-violent direct action) Group, letter writing/petition Group, Scientific/Research Group, Events/fundraising Group, 100% Renewables Group, Knitting Nanna"s Group, etc.
Whatever way you want to contribute, this meeting will set up the structures to allow everyone to play a role. This is a very important meeting for the ‘Ballina CSG free" group, come along and get involved. Neil Denison the Coordinator for the Ballina area and his email address is negraden317athotmaildotcom

If you want to see an aerial view of gasfields on the Darling Downs go to Can agriculture really co-exist with this?


When enough people agree to Lock their Gates, the next stage is Lock to Road, followed by Lock the Region – a co-operation between diverse groups with differing ideologies; a grassroots social movement and we are the social landscape. Our resistance becomes comm-unity, non-violent and at the same time non-negotiable. See for "how to" get involved. The strategy is based on connecting with each other, face to face, side by side.

As Annie Kia says about the rally: "Would you like to come with us?"

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