Imagine! If you live at Tallowoood Ridge, you would be outside the 2k exclusion zone (which covers towns of more than 2,000) so residents there could well be up for a few wells mining CSG. What about Main Arm village? So much under threat ....
or Go to NSW NATURE CONSERVATION COUNCIL for easy submission guide
Seam Gas (CSG)
As some of you would be aware, the NSW Government has invited submissions on a proposed two kilometre CSG exclusion zone around residential areas, horse studs and vineyards. This is encouraging, although polling commissioned by Fairfax has revealed that 75 percent of NSW residents, across political parties, oppose CSG development on agricultural land. This overwhelming opposition comes on the back of a recent Four Corners program "Gas Leaks" that exposed significant flaws in the approval process for major CSG projects. If you wish to make a submission on this issue, you have until 12 April to do so. The NSW Nature Conservation Council has prepared a submission guide available at