
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

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Originally published 27Oct2013


GFF sign Mullum launched!!

Newsletter 135
27 October 2013

Greetings, fellow travellers

Our GFF sign launch was a buzz yesterday! Thanks to everyone who came and others who sent family along, esp Jess! Here is the Media Release ...


A merry turnout of campaigners rocked up to celebrate the official launch of the Mullumbimby Gasfield-Free (GFF) sign at the eastern approach to the town while passing motorists peeped their support.

The GFF signs, which are popping up all over the shire, are the culmination of the Lock the Gate door-to-door surveys undertaken throughout the shire over the last year.

Mullumbimby GFF coordinator, Deborah Lilly said "A renewed threat to the Shire has emerged with Metgasco signalling they want to recommence exploration activities on the North Coast, starting in Bentley just the other side of Lismore next year. One gasmining foothold will spread over the Coast like cancer threatening our groundwater, fertility and climate with noxious chemicals, vapours, noise and eyesore infrastructure" she said.

"We really need to keep up the pressure on the politicians. Will the NSW Minister for the North Coast, Don Page, please demonstrate willingness to protect the North Coast from CSG?" urged Ms Lilly. Meanwhile, on a recent visit to Canberra, Lock the Gate"s Regional Coordinator, Ian Gaillard, meeting with the Federal Industry Minister Ian McFarlane, said "This has now become a test of democracy, we have an overwhelming majority across the Northern Rivers opposed to gasfield development, including the Federal MPs for Richmond and Page who come from different sides of politics. Its time for state and federal governments to listen to the community rather than to the industry lobbyists and stop this unwanted industrial invasion", concluded Mr Gaillard.

For an update on gas and coal mining, two new documentary films will be shown at the Mullumbimby Drill Hall on Friday 15th November at 6.30pm; "A Fractured Country" and "Undermining Australia".


CAKES AND SAVOURIES for the movie will be much appreciated - baking is a lovely way to show your support for the cause, esp if you can't be at the front line. Please call Deb 66843723 and let me know if you'll bake something.


Param interviewed our Annie this morning (Sunday) on his Bay FM prog "What Now!? and this can be heard on podcast. Well worth a listen! Call him 0434 795 490 for help to locate poddy. This was his last show of the season and sadly won't continue. Thanks Param for all your support with the Gasfield-Free and other important local initiatives.


A Flash Mob meets outside Metgasco's Casino office every Thursday morning from 9 am for 90 minutes. It"s on the main road going into Casino; can't miss it. A sign asks passing motorists to peep their support. "An exhilarating experience" said Sue Vader, who recently participated when 200 peeps were recorded and some young blokes joined in enthusiastically. This Flash Mob is very important, as it gives Casino people an opportunity to signal their support for the growing social movement.

Metgasco state on their website that the Lions Way pipeline is "the most attractive and preferred option" for getting gas to Queensland. Remember a year ago they 'shelved' those plans when opposition was high? Hello, strategy?

Metgasco falsely assert that they have a social licence in Richmond Valley. It's not true. A recent exit poll conducted by SCU during the Federal election showed 65% opposed to gasfields, and only 18% in support. This is after many years of Metgasco PR and spin. The locals are not buying it.

One more thing – please could you support by doing a ‘Like' of the facebook page of the Casino Environment Centre?
These people are doing a brilliant job. They love drop-ins
137 Barker St, Casino. Shop phone: 0490149705.
Donations: deposit to: A/C: NIM BSB: 728 728 ACC: 22294846

Looks like next year will be pivotal in protecting the North Coast. Dart, who hold the PEL 440 over much of the shire is waiting in the wings to see how Metgasco fare. All support, whatever you can do, is appreciated and important for our future.

Chow for now

• http://coalseamgasnews

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