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Originally published 24Apr2014

Bentley: Contact info Metgasco propaganda and - maybe Monday

Information about the Bentley Blockade:


- General info. & map/directions:


- Blockade Updates:


 - To be added to text alerts text your number to: 0447 399 535 


- To volunteer for rostered tasks: 0457 629 652


- To find out what is needed at camp & where to take contributions of food & materials call info. tent: 0477 263 137


- To donate to support the action:  - Register to Greet the Dawn at #BentleyBlockade & spread the word in your networks 


- Latest videos:


- Photos:


- Facebook: Rosella Gasfield & Gasfield Free Northern Rivers & Gasfield Free Byron Shire


(from Kyogle Group Against Gas mailout)




Rumour has it that Monday 28th April is a likely date – come and Greet the Dawn.




Hand written letters to MPs needed!  Info at  and whilst there have a look at Notes from Bentley 17.4.14 for news from the frontline.  Politicians view one hand written letter as representative of 100 voters.


These audios by Param give a feeling of being there:   The Luke Vasella “Let’s Walk Gently” with on-site protectors is goose bumping.




From Dr Wayne Somerville:  “The Bentley Protectors could soon confront a massive police operation. Abandoning reason and decency, the NSW Government appears locked into a high risk “shock and awe” strategy. They hope that riot police can end our community’s resistance to gas field industrialisation. But Minister Roberts  “courageous” policy of “mining by martial law” can only succeed if we allow it to - and why would we do that?” 


More from Dr Wayne at his website click on coal seam gas. 


And a Guide to Metgasco’s Propaganda: A Resource for Anti-CSG Groups is fascinating reading.






First para from the Conclusion:  If realised, Metgasco’s proposed coal seam gas industrialisation of the Northern Rivers would be the most profound change to this region’s environment since the 1840s clearing of the Big Scrub, and the most socially and psychologically damaging event since the Vietnam War. 




Final para:  Metgasco could back up its stated policy of being truthful and considerate in its dealings with the community by instituting comprehensive, independently conducted, pre-and post-drilling testing of aquifers, soil, air, and the physical and emotional health of people who would be affected by their operations.








From Managing Director’s address to Metgasco’s AGM, Oct 2013:  Diagram of Metgasco’s dream of 90 CSG wells North West of Casino including water drawdown levels (See page 11).  


Who can spot the most outrageous bit of propaganda?  Please send your favourite to


See you Monday at dawn.


QUOTES:  “It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
Joseph Goebbels


“Think of the press as a great keyboard
on which the government can play.”
Joseph Goebbels


GFFBS website:   - with -   3B Byron-Bentley Buz carpool
New FB page: Gasfield Free Byron Shire (put in the spaces)

Local HQ:
Coal Seam Gas News, Australia (
GAG Kyogle ( very informative newsletter
BPN: contact 

NBN TOWER: Facebook: North Coast NBN Tower Action Group;






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