Originally published 06May2014
Bentley: TV Crew and interviews big day for Community
PASSIONATE PROTECTORS turned out en masse at Bentley this morning at 6am. Channel Seven was there, interviewing the Mayors of Lismore, Byron and Kyogle. Een if you issed the TV crew go there today, there will be a big crowd, and this will be televised widely. You can get there in an hour or so from Byron, and it’s a good opportunity to orient yourself with Camp Liberty if you haven’t already experienced the palpable sense of shared community intention.
Morning starlight gatherings at Bentley are an unforgettable experience. At 5 am every morning a hundred or so pilgrims wend their way up the hill from Camp Liberty to the blockade site and encircle the fire. This morning the perfect dome of the firmament was highlighted by the darkness of the round hills surrounding the site. “Gently Bentley” sang Luke Vasella, the refrain softly sung by those around him. Just before dawn, Ian Gaillard said “We’re still here”. “And they’re not” called somebody. Laughter immediately bonded everyone in shared enjoyment of the contrast to what could become a tense and scary situation.
A good turnout is important. Politicians may not be listening to us, but they do care about what the media say. New premier Mike Baird says he’s “passionate about NSW” and we can remind him we are passionate about keeping Northern Rivers gasfield free. With state elections next year we can remind him that this is a vote-changing issue.
The upper echelons of the state government may be making the decision in the next few weeks whether or not to use the police and/or riot squad to enforce the arrival of the drill rig for Metgasco. Hundreds of handwritten letters may sway Baird and his ministers so if you haven’t written yours yet, please let them know your feelings about the potential impacts of unconventional gas mining on water supplies, agriculture, air quality and social amenities and well as concerns about land subsidence, threats to river and wetland health, and the health of the residents. Tell them “We don’t want it”.
Facebook #Bentley Blockade has posted this message:
It looks very much like âª#BentleyBlockade turns blue on Monday 19th May with police arriving in large numbers. Join the camp from Friday the 16th for a weekend of workshops and preparation. Roads will be blocked at some point on Monday or even earlier so don't leave your arrival too late.
Police may block the roads. If you get stopped by police on the way to the camp, please be prepared with food and water and camping gear to hang out where they stop you on the road. This will extend the camp! Police will also be diverted and dispersed.
GFFBS website: http://www.gasfieldfreebyronshire.org  - with - 3B Byron-Bentley Buz carpool
New FB page: Gasfield Free Byron Shire (put in the spaces)
Local HQ: http://www.csgfreenorthernrivers.org/
Coal Seam Gas News, Australia (wolfweb@gmail.com)
GAG Kyogle (gagkyogle@gmail.com) very informative newsletter
LOCK THE GATE ALLIANCE: www.lockthegate.org.au - PLEASE JOIN!!