
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

Newsletter Name: Ungrouped

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Originally published 15May2014

Bentley: Metgascos licence suspended not revoked YET



Wonderful news!   Metgasco's licence has been suspended by Minister for Resources Anthony Roberts owing to "lack of community consultation" (wasn't Stuart George in charge of that, being the PR man?) and ICAC will investigate connections with Eddie Obeid.  Ian Gaillard is celebratory and at the same time wary; this is a suspension and the licence is not yet revoked.






BIG THANKS to everyone who helped achieve this!  You're a legend!


Message from Olga Tresz (who has worked very hard as Coordinator for Byron Shire)


What is there to say except… A massive thank you… to everyone… all the wonderful street surveyors… the road coordinators… area coordinators, everyone who spread the word at every opportunity…. those who attended endless meetings, wrote letters, phoned the pollies, created media stunts, formed groups, staffed merchandise and info tables, collected donations, donated themselves, wrote songs, made food, helped in the kitchen, the facebook posters, the web site updaters, the radio announcers, the musicians, those who helped fundraise, visited and camped at Bentley’s Camp Liberty, conducted vigils… everyone who freely gave their time with warmth and heartfelt generosity… to all the new friendships and connections that have been made… what a wonderful result… one that will affect so much in the future… we are strong! This shows people do have power in the face of ‘wrong’. This is a major shift of perception. We need to tell everyone of our win – far and wide across the country. We will no longer be ridden over by immoral greed. We will win at the Pilliga, and the Leard… everywhere where communities’ wishes have been ignored. Fossil fuels WILL be replaced with renewables. We have shown strength and courage against seemingly impossible odds.
The Lock the Gate survey was created to unite communities, and unite communities with other communities. What a brilliant strategy and a simply fantastic result!
Thank you thank you thank you     :  )))))








Passionate as usual, Alan Jones on the Bentley situation the day before the news broke.






SCOTT LUDLAM AND LARISSA WATERS will be at St John's Hall, Mullumbimby, Sat 17th May, 7-8.30pm.  Should be a celebratory event, as well as sobering discussion about why Abbott has to go.   Donations of MUNCHIES welcolmed!




I just want to acknowledge too the hard work of Ian Gaillard (Chief Bentley) and all those stalwart protectors who've hung in there on-site.  And the lovely film-makers Brendan Shoebridge and David Lowe who have dedicated their lives to getting the images mainstreamed, and of course all the Lock the Gate passionatas, knitting nanas, The Echo ... even Don Page if and when he comes to the party!  Oh, and Luke Vasella for his lovely song GENTLY BENTLEY


Hugs all round












GFFBS website: 
New FB page: Gasfield Free Byron Shire (put in the spaces)

Local HQ:
Coal Seam Gas News, Australia (
GAG Kyogle ( very informative newsletter


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