Originally published 18May2014
Trains for North Coast: call Minister Gladys on talk-back radio Monday am
Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian will be on 2UE talk-back ( Sydney Radio) on Monday 19th morning. She will be taking and answering questions from phone-in listeners. 2UE’s phone-in number is 13 13 32. Phone or send an email. ( instructions below) ;
If you haven’t done a phone-in to a radio station before..... the producer will answer the phone and ask your name and perhaps where you are phoning from ( area) and your name (usually first name only ). and will ask “do you want to speak to Gladys”? and “ what would you like to speak to her about “? ;
The producer then types your question/comment/subject onto the list on the announcer’s computer screen. ;
When your turn comes you will hear your name on the phone. ;
Often they will take your number and call you back when your turn comes up. ;
Make sure your radio/computer sound is turned way down or off when you are on air. ;
You can listen live to 2GB on your computer on this link.
http://tunein.com/radio/2UE-954-s16558/  while you are waiting your turn to speak. ;
Presenters will be John Stanley & Gary Linnell who are on at Breakfast 5.am to 9.a.m. ;
If you cannot or don’t want to go phone talk-back I suggest that as many people as possible send an email to Gladys via John Stanley and Gary Linnell ( send one to each., the more the better) see this site:
http://www.2ue.com.au/feedback  ( select John Stanley or Gary Linnell from the list.). ;
It needs a tsunami of emails to Gladys to drive home that we are very serious about getting our train ( even a light rail ) back on the track. ;
(thanks Peggy for this info - apologies for posting rather late) ;
GFFBS website: http://www.gasfieldfreebyronshire.org 
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Coal Seam Gas News, Australia (wolfweb@gmail.com)
GAG Kyogle (gagkyogle@gmail.com) very informative newsletter
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