
Mullumbimby Community Action Newsletters

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Originally published 18Mar2016

COREM news anti-protester laws politics in pub



18 March 2016




We are nearly half-way to meeting the target of $9000 for our crowdfunding campaign to develop our Revolving Community energy Fund; another $4,603 is needed.  This fund is being used to put solar on the Drill Hall then even more solar on the Mullum Showgrounds.  With only 13 days left to the deadline, we need to boost our inflow.  Would you be willing to commit to emailing some people who might donate?  Below is a draft letter you can use (or even better, write your own) and also a reminder followup just after Easter would be an effective way to meet our deadline target of 31st March.




Also, please ask your friends to Like our Facebook page.












Hi Mullum folk and other interested people,




I really believe we can create a better alternative.




COREM, born out of the Bentley blockade, is providing a solution to climate pollution. We are transitioning Mullumbimby to run on renewable electricity. This project is exciting, groundbreaking and an inspirational model for other areas, but it needs your support. Being a grass roots campaign, if many of us chip in a bit now - just 5 minutes and $10 or more will ensure Mullumbimby continues to lead the way in changing our local fossil fuel dominated electricity market.  So we invite you to join this movement and stand together to democratise, decentralise and decarbonise our electricity system.




Visit to see how your tax deductible donation will be used again and again in our revolving community energy fund.




By thinking globally and acting locally to support COREM you are showing an alternative to fossil fuels and sending a message we do not want more CSG projects and coal mines.




Thanks for your support and forwarding this message will help us spread the word.


And .... please LIKE us on FB!












Late yesterday the Baird Government passed laws aimed directly at you: to discourage people who want to see NSW coal seam gas free.

Some called the anti-protest bill the “Santos law” because right now Santos are building the only new coal seam gas project in NSW, in the heart of the Pilliga Forest.

Santos must see the new anti-protest laws as a victory, a sign that their project will go ahead.

Let’s prove them wrong. Send the new Santos CEO, Kevin Gallagher an urgent message today. 

The Pilliga forest, in our state’s north-west, is the largest intact temperate eucalypt woodland in eastern Australia.

The Santos project puts half a million hectares of this traditional Gamilaraay country at risk to build 850 coal seam gas wells. It’s also habitat for threatened animals like the Pilliga mouse, koala and pygmy possum.

Soon the new company CEO Kevin Gallagher will front up for his first AGM.

Let's make sure he understands we want to protect NSW from their damaging coal seam gas project.

We won't be silenced: send your message the new Santos CEO.

We’ll send your message along to the upcoming Santos AGM with Gamilaraay people and local farmers who are standing together to protect the thousands of cultural sites, native plants and animals within the forest. 

It's not a done deal. Santos is on the skids. Shares in the company have fallen dramatically in the past year, leaving its Pilliga project looking more dodgy than ever.

This is the final battle ground on coal seam gas in NSW. Let’s make sure the new Santos CEO knows what a risky business this is. 

Send your message here: ;

Thanks for your support.

Daisy Barham


Also see their FB page






Politics in the Pub


NGARA – the Activists’ Think Tank


FOOD SOVERIGNTY This month’s discussion:  Beyond Stuffed and Starved; progressive agendas for food sovereignty.


Mullum Courthouse Hotel  Wed 23 March, 6.30 pm


Dr Liz Elliott says: This is going to be an exciting night with other activist contributions and a happy atmosphere. Please keep questions short and question first, audience comment one sentence only to follow question!!




Please sign the petition to take the heat of our reef (Great Barrier Reef)


See Fight for the Reef.  My computer is playing up and I can’t get the link for ya.






Deborah Lilly








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