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Mullumbimby Featured on ABC Radio's Australia talks

Mullumbimby Featured on ABC Radio's Australia talks

CGI scaled image of woolworths proposed big box in Mullumbimby. by Luis Cristia
On Tuesday this week Mullumbimby and Woolworths was the topic of Australia talks show on ABC radio National. My we are sure getting our message out there. The show's guests featured Deborah Lilly, from MCAN a representative from woolworths Simon Berger, and Paul Summers,an urban design planner. The discussion was tightly run, but the overall mood of those phoning in their comments was unsupportive of Woolworths or any big box coming to a small rural town or village like suburb. Australia Talks Disappointed at the set up of the discussion, one listener, Leigh Blackall had the following to say. Of course Woolworths and mega businesses like them disrupt the local economy. Transport, parking, foot traffic, consumer demand, the market, even the culture of the people in a place is affected by Woolworths inevitable presence and their standardised business practice.

Leigh continued;

On Radio National's Australia Talks tonight was a discussion and talk back session on the issue of the big chain supermarket Woolworths setting up in the iconic small town Mullumbimby. I tried to get through with my phone call, but like most people I guess, was left out and relegated to a very slowly moderated online forum. So here's my post here, just in case the ABC moderator has gone home for the night (as it seems she has).

Disappointed at the set up of the discussion. Of course Woolworths and mega businesses like them disrupt the local economy. Transport, parking, foot traffic, consumer demand, the market, even the culture of the people in a place is affected by Woolworths inevitable presence and their standardised business practice.

And surely we can see that offering young people a minimum wage simply assists Woolworths to be accepted in the community over a generation of branding awareness.. giving kids a skewed view of what employment means to a massive company they will never meet the owners of, be treated as human resource, as a precarious casual or part timer.. little wonder kids have difficulty developing an understanding their place and responsibility in community and society.

So I'm disappointed that the discussion questioned the impact of Woolworths and the whether it is negative. Of course it is!

But Woolworth's success in changing the culture and market in Australia is done. It is inevitable that they, and companies like them are coming to your town. So I hope more towns will work with that relentless energy and turn it to their favour.

How about a genuine effort on the part of Woolworths with its vast resources? Create a business that addresses these and many more concerns for the community with real sensitivity, that works into existing businesses, making themselves invisible, enhancing rather than competing, taking responsibility for the impacts they will have, rather than spinning it into a thing we apparently need or want - we don't.

From Leigh Blackall's blog, .(used with permission)

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