Byron Vibe Releases new Video on Woolworths in Mullumbimby
Residents of Mullumbimby discuss the topic of Woolworths muscling into
their town.
This 10 minute clip shows a cross section of views from the Mullumbimby
community regarding the Woolworths proposal. It was the result of one
day's spontaneous filming on the streets of the town. The images of
the waterlogged site in Station Street, filmed the following day, are worth
a thousand words and refute claims in the movie made by some of the
supermarket supporters.
The site is where Woolworths intend to put a 2500m2 supermarket and bottle shop as well as an on-site sewage system to deal with all the waste-water from the supermarket. Locals worry about the lack of buffer zones between the on-site sewage and public footpaths; in heavy rain or floods what will happen to the effluent? Furthermore the use of mainstream cleaning chemicals and sanitation products will probably wipe out the micro-organisms needed to breakdown the sewage. The Brunswick River is 500 metres away and will receive Woolworths overflows.