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Gasfields not only destroy the land they require a level of stupidity unparalleled in human history

Michael McNamara from Lock the Gate – Tweed has branded the “Public Comment” process associated with an application for a Special Prospecting Authority covering parts of Tweed Shire, Byron Shire and Lismore City Council areas a farce.

“The advice given by the Department of Resources, which will be assessing and deciding the application, effectively tells communities that they can’t say No”

“In the advice issued by the Department it says that statements of opposition will be given less weighting than comments that assist the department to make sure the exploration activity goes ahead” according to Mr McNamara.

“It’s as if the government, through the Department of Resources, is telling communities that the only way to stop this dirty industry is by direct action”

“This is especially disappointing in the light of the results of recent research by scientists from Southern Cross University that raises concerns about methane leakage in areas affected by coal seam gas mining”

“This research shows levels of ‘fugitive emissions’ of methane in areas where CSG operations are in full swing to be at alarming levels”

Regardless of this Mr McNamara has encouraged Tweed Shire residents to make submissions opposing the granting of the application.

“Don’t make it possible for the bureaucrats and the politicians to be able to stand up in the future and say they were not told”

“They obviously need to be told, told again, and then told again that communities in the Northern Rivers do not want CSG operations here”

Lock the Gate – Tweed will be hosting a meeting at Murwillumbah Civic Centre at 6pm on Tuesday 27 November for community members affected by the application for a Special Prospecting Authority.

This includes the communities of Tweed Heads and surrounding areas, the Tweed Coast, Murwillumbah and surrounding areas, Mullumbimby and areas west and parts of the north-east of Lismore City Council area.

Mr McNamara also encouraged affected residents to take up the Gasfield Free Communities initiative, if it has not already been conducted in their community, as a way to send a clear message of rejection to CSG companies and the state government of any notion that they have a social licence to operate in the area.

Communities in the Tweed that have participated in the Gasfield Free Communities initiative have, through a process of community meetings and road surveys of residents, declared their wish to be Gasfield Free. 97% of respondents to these surveys have agreed with the proposition that their road and their community be Gasfield Free.

“Local government is recognising this overwhelming community view, with local councils declaring their areas Gasfield Free, and it is time the state government and local MPs started listening” Mr McNamara said.



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