Mullumbimby Action Group -> latestnews -> csgkidzday

Mullumbimby Declaration Day KIDZ ART competiton

Mullumbimby Declaration Day KIDZ ART competiton

Children’s views are important! They deserve to have a say in what they will inherit! 
What future landscape would your child like to see in Byron Shire? A gasfield? Kids are invited to create a message about what they think of possible CSG mining in Byron Shire. These artworks will be displayed in local shop windows, made into a slide show and copies sent to the government.


Artworks can now be any size (not just A4) and dates have been extended till the end of June.
Prizes will be for the best overall design, the most original slogan and people’s choice. Age groups range from Under 10s, 10-15, and 16 and over.   
Enquiries: contact Deborah Lilly 66843723 or email Deborah



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