Mullumbimby Action Group -> latestnews -> redterra

Tribute to Terrie Wells(Red Terra)

Tribute to Terrie Wells(Red Terra)

Terrie Wells, local activist and presenter of Bay FM's "The Shakedown" programme on Friday mornings, has died. She collapsed at home last Thursday, and was taken to Tweed Hospital where she did not regain consciousness, and died on Monday. There will be a ceremony at Byron Bay Community Centre on Thursday 30 July at 1 pm. See BayFM Website for more. We will miss Terrie, and her programme. She was a truly dedicated environmentalist, community activist and a very caring person

Take a moment to look down at your feet,

And remember, our Terrie
Red Terra, as in earth

Terrie the earth warrior

Fighting the bulldozers with her microphone

Bringing news from the front line

Calling us to arms

With our pens, our minds

And our collective rage.

Red, the leader of the opposition

To corporate greed
That creeps across our world
Our minds, our wallets.

Like a canary in a coalmine,
Red sang out.
She woke us up
With her call
A call for us to participate
To protect and preserve
Our precious earth
She shone the light on
What is happening in our world

She brought us voices

From the forests, from the oceans
From Canberra, from the experts
And from the musicians
She probed with questions
And brought inspiration
From leading earth warriors

She planted a seed

In so many hearts

In mine, I will nurture
The seeds of passion
Power and dedication
And most of all, bravery
To get up, speak up
And carry the torch
That Red has lighted.

Thank you Terrie,
For beaming through the stratosphere
Your love, your light
Your passion
Right here, right now
I love you.

Rest in peace.

Deborah Lilly

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