Mullumbimby Action Group -> latestnews -> woolworthsdecision

L and E decision on Woolworths supermarket in Mullumbimby expected end January

L and E decision on Woolworths supermarket in Mullumbimby  expected end January

Duncan Dey from MCAN

A decision on whether plans for a Woolworths supermarket in Mullumbimby can go ahead is expected next month.

A third sitting of the Land and Environment Court wrapped up in Sydney on the 23rd of December, with Commissioner Hussey now retiring to consider his verdict.

Woolworths is challenging the Byron Shire Council's rejection of its plans for an on-site sewerage system.

Duncan Dey, from the Mullumbimby Community Action Network, says he's become less confident as the matter has dragged on.

Duncan Dey continued,
"The many, many arguments against approving this section 68 application seem to have diminished with time and the length of the proceedings... what seems to happen to me is that experts sit down and they talk and talk and talk and the longer that people talk, the more into the distance the real issues fade," he said.

"The hearings began with a session in Station Street, at the site, and the Commissioner and the lawyers were standing there in their suits in the sun looking at the site, but it all finishes of course in an air-conditioned office in Macquarie Street and I think that deeply influences the outcomes."    

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