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On Monday Mullum Forum placed a half page ad in a prominent position in the Australian Financial Review. It was titled "Is it right that a big corporation can tell a small town what it needs?". The ad and associated press release roused a fair bit of interes...
Posted: 15Feb2010 20:26
Byron Mayor Cr Jan Barham is not ruling out an appeal against the recent Land and Environment Court's decision allowing Woolworths to build their supermarket in Mullumbimby.
Cr Barham said 'a report on whether an appeal would be viable was expected to go be...
Posted: 4Feb2010 15:52
NEW YEARS DAY is the second anniversary of the Woolworths announcement to move into
Two years of dedicated campaigning by locals has kept them out, despite Woolworths
planning to open their doors in Mullum by the end of 2009.
The Land and Environmen...
Posted: 1Jan2010 09:26
A decision on whether plans for a Woolworths supermarket in Mullumbimby can go ahead is expected next month.
A third sitting of the Land and Environment Court wrapped up in Sydney on the 23rd of December, with Commissioner Hussey now retiring to consider his verdict...
Posted: 28Dec2009 11:20
On the 23rd and 24th of December Woolworths third attempt at getting their appeal through the courts will be heard at the land and Environment Court in Sydney.
This is Woolworths’ last ditch attempt to persuade the Commissioner that they have a viable proposal for ...
Posted: 22Dec2009 08:52
The Woolworths board and senior management copped an earful at their AGM on 26th November and today they are surveying arguably the biggest single hit to the company’s once great brand.
Never before have chairman James Strong and CEO Michael Luscombe been forced ...
Posted: 10Dec2009 10:16
Byron Shire Council’s refusal of Woolworths’ poor quality Section 68 Application is being vindicated by a complex and drawn out Appeal process that will now involve at least three separate court hearings. The first hearing was held in September, in Mullumbimby and ...
Posted: 29Nov2009 11:40
Four representatives of The Mullumbimby Community Action Network, ( Luis Cristia, Duncan Dey, Garry Scott and Robert Hart) will be attending The Land and Environment Court in Sydney next week, when Woolworths challenge to Byron shire Council's refusal of their o...
Posted: 12Nov2009 17:50
In response to today’s claims from Minister for Planning Kristina Keneally that the major projects planning system is working well, The Greens spokesperson for planning, Sylvia Hale has highlighted the massive amount of political donations the Labor Party has receive...
Posted: 24Oct2009 09:22
In the case of Woolworths vs Byron shire Council, The Land and Environment court has adjourned until probably November 18,19 & 20 in Sydney.
After lengthy legal argument, Woolworths counsel asked for an adjournment so they could present the amended p...
Posted: 30Sep2009 17:05