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There are just some issues where you can’t sit on the fence. Woolworths moving into Mullumbimby is one of Mandy nolan reprinted courtesy Mandy Nolan first published in The Echo
Posted: 15Sep2010 09:42
Yesterday morning , visitors to The Echo website were greeted with a black screen with an anti-woolworths logo in the middle. The site had been hacked during the night. By 10am the site was back to normal.
The Mullumbimby Community Action Network&...
Posted: 10Sep2010 21:04
By Diane Hart
I've been away for a few months, visiting aged parents overseas, and I expected to see a few welcoming fairies when I arrived back in Mullumbimby - instead I was greeted by THE CAGE.
So for all of those that thought that Woolworth's were go...
Posted: 30Aug2010 21:20
An opportunity to have your say on Woolworths new bottleshop!
(All submissions must be received by the liquor authority by that date)
Before Woolworths can open their liquor store at their new (proposed) supermarket in S...
Posted: 2Jul2010 13:10
On Saturday 26th June a group of Mullumbimby residents gathered to express "Rage against the Cage"; a huge cage having been erected by Woolworths, is all along Station Street North. They dressed in black and white and chained themselves to he fence/cage.
Posted: 1Jul2010 12:06
Mullumbimby residents gathered at the Woolworths Station Street construction site on Monday 7th June to protest at the start of construction of the huge Woolworths supermarket. However all they found was a fence and shipping container which trespassed onto public land.
Posted: 16Jun2010 09:50
This photo, taken in Byron Bay Woolworths today, shows that Woolworths' claims of supporting local farmers are suspect. As you can see, the big sign is promoting navel oranges from the USA ... and they call them 'fresh'!
What about the local oranges. ...
Posted: 16Apr2010 16:26
On Tuesday this week Mullumbimby and Woolworths was the topic of Australia talks show on ABC radio National. My we are sure getting our message out there.
The show's guests featured Deborah Lilly, from MCAN a representative from woolworths Simon Berger, and P...
Posted: 2Apr2010 09:58
Residents of Mullumbimby discuss the topic of Woolworths muscling into their town.
This 10 minute clip shows a cross section of views from the Mullumbimby community regarding the Woolworths proposal. It was the result of one day's spontaneous filming on the stree...
Posted: 18Mar2010 22:31
Mullumbimby forum is challenging Woolworths to an 'opinion poll tie breaker'.
After taking its ‘no’ campaign to the Woolworths directors earlier this week, the Mullumbimby forum is rejecting claims by a Woolworths spokeswoman that a ‘silent majority’...
Posted: 19Feb2010 14:22