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John Fenton Us farmer and gas activist who was featured in the Gaslands movie will be appearing at the Bangalow Hall on monday night 24th March at 6pm.
The US Environental Protection Agency found that fracking the 200 wells in Pavillion Wyom...
Posted: 20Feb2014 19:48
Donations for finger food requested for special information evening about the
impending doom of the Leard Forest if Whitehaven's coalmine is expanded as approved last year.
A blockade at Maules Creek has been established ...
Posted: 9Jan2014 19:28
A merry turnout of campaigners rocked up to celebrate the official launch of the Mullumbimby Gasfield-Free (GFF) sign at the eastern approach to the town while passing motorists peeped their support.
The GFF signs, which...
Posted: 28Oct2013 21:50
Be part of the start of a great day at Mullumbimbyon the 1st September
Join your fellow Northern rivers Gasfield Free surveyors along with friends and family, in the Living Earth Festival Street par...
Posted: 18Aug2013 18:34
Great Celebration! Mullumbimby is GAS FIELD FREE!!.
Mullumbimby will be holding its Gas Field Free Declaration Day at The Mullumbimby Farmers Marke...
Posted: 3Jun2013 16:24
Children’s views are important! They deserve to have a say in what they will inherit!
What future l...
Posted: 3Jun2013 16:20
On Tuesday Mr Windsor said that [NSW Government] process had failed and he was determined to force the government to act to include the new trigger in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act before the election...
Posted: 6Feb2013 08:47
Report by Sue Vader
Metgasco may have succeeded in getting their drill onto the Genugie site – but not the war! One very cheering sign is that the local media seems to be getting onside with the protest movement. Both t...
Posted: 12Jan2013 12:42
The creative energy of the people of the Northern Rivers is on display
at the Glenugie CSG protest today.
There are now more than 150 protestors gathered at the site singing
protest songs and farmers on horseback ha...
Posted: 5Jan2013 16:34